The Chariton Leader, Chariton, Iowa
Thursday, October 12, 1905
From the Shenandoah Sentinel-Post we take the following wedding notice which will be of interest to Chariton friends as the groom, who is a son of Mrs. Margaret Powell, formerly resided here:
"Rev. J. M. Ross married Miss Effie Allen and Mr. William Powell at 4 o'clock Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's mother, a widow on Matthews Street. It was a quiet but happy ceremony, only a few intimate friends being present. There was no display, they stood alone at the altar, the pretty bride dressed in blue silk, and the handsome groom as proud as an emperor. At five o'clock, a three-course luncheon was served, and at night they were honored by two charivaries, first by the boys and then by the girls, then the wedded pair went to their own home, 104 Clarinda Avenue, which had been fully furnished and was waiting for them to set up housekeeping.
The bride is one of our prettiest young girls and is as good as she is beautiful. For the past two years she has been bookkeeper and collector for the Bell Telephone Company, and much appreciated and esteemed by her employers and office associates. Her mother parts with her only daughter with rejoicing, because she knows Effie has won a good husband. Mr. Powell has a place in the Shurtz Restaurant. His parents live in Chariton. We wish the couple a pleasant and prosperous life together."