
An American Family History


The Richard Cheney Family

Cheney has also been spelled: Chain, Chainey, Chania, Chaney, Chany, Cheyney, and China.
Anne Arundel County, Marylandwas established in 1650.
The first European settlements in Maryland were made in 1634 when English settlers created a permanent colony.

Richard Cheney was born in England about 1630.

His first wife was named Charity.

Their children probably included:
Richard Cheney (1649, called "the elder," married Mary Rydell),
Elizabeth Cheney Ijams (1652, married William Ijams),
Mary Cheney, and
Ann Cheney Jacob (1661, married John Jacob).

They immigrated to Maryland before 1658 when Richard and Charity were granted 100 acres.

They settled at Cheney's Resolution in Anne Arundel County. Richard became one of the largest land owners in the South River Hundred and owned 1,110 acres. His plantations were called Cheney's Hill, Cheney's Neck, Cheney's Hazard, Cheney's Rest, and Cheney's Purchase. He patented them in March 1661/62.

Cheney's Hill has been the site of an archaeological dig. The home was situated on a hill and the site yielded "shards of imported German pottery, beads for Indian trading, pipes, utensils, a finger-length iron key, glass, a brick and other common items."

His second wife was Eleanor.

Their children probably included:
Thomas Cheney (1669, married Sarah Westall ),
Charles Cheney (1673, married Ann Jones Pattison),
Sarah Cheney Chickey (1677, married James Chickey),
Kathren Cheney Parnell (1779, married James Parnell),
Charity Cheney Patten (1681, married John Patten),
Richard Cheney (1682, married Rachel Nicholson), and
John Cheney (1684, married Mary Beadle).

Richard died in 1687 in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Eleanor died on March 9, 1709.


Maryland was established with religious freedom for Catholics. The colonial economy was based on tobacco cultivated by Africans who had been enslaved.
2 Sep 1762 Annapolis, Maryland
26 Nov 1767 Annapolis, Maryland



Cheiney, Richard, Sr., A. A_ Co., 6th Mch., 1685-6;
To eld, son Richard, ex., and hrs., 250 A., Cheine's Rest, on South R
To 2 sons, viz., Thomas and Charles, at 16 yrs. of age, Resolution;
sd. sons to be in charge of eld. son Richard afsd. and son-in-law John Jacobs and his wife.
To daus., viz., Mary, Eliza:, and Ann, personalty.
To wife (unnamed), dower rights.
Test: Wm. Burgess, Wm. Cocks. 4. 311


Richard Chiney 13A.201 A AA £43.5.0 #709
1 Aug 7 1694
Payments to: Gabriell Parrott, Dr. Moore due to Col. William Surges, Maren Duvall.
Administratrix: Elisabeth Chiney by her son James Pindle.


Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2019
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