
An American Family History

Jane Cornish Robins Puddington


Jane Cornish Robins Puddington was baptized on August 14, 1612 in Tiverton, Devon England. Her parents were Richard Cornish and Grace Gooding. Richard was a fuller.

She married Edward Robins about 1630.

Their children and life together are described in detail in the section on Edward and Jane Robins.

In 1635 she came to Virginia with her husband and children.

Edward died about 1640.

After Edward died, Jane married, planter and merchant, Captain George Puddington.

On July 15, 1647, Richard Robins in the Northampton, County, England gave power of attorney to his "welbeloved Sister-in-Law Jane Puddington, wife of George Puddington."

Anne Arundel County, Marylandwas established in 1650.

Planter is an archaic term for a settler. Plantation was a method of colonization where settlers were "planted" abroad. A plantation is also the kind of large farm that was the economical basis of many American Colonies and owners of these farms were also called planters.

A Dower is a provision for a wife's support should her husband die before her. Her dower right was the use of ⅓ of her husband's estate. The dower was settled on the bride at the time of the wedding.



Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2019
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