
An American Family History

Samuel Davis, Sr and Mary Waters

Charlestown, Suffolk County, Massachusetts
Groton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts
A militia is a military unit composed of citizens who are called up in time of need.

Colonial legislatures granted land to a group of settlers (proprietors) who chose how to divide the land. They had some rights of governance.

Suffolk County, Massachusetts was created by the Massachusetts General Court on May 10, 1643. It initially contained Boston, Roxbury, Dorchester, Dedham, Braintree, Weymouth.

The rod or perch or pole is a surveyor's tool equal to 5 1⁄2 yards.

New London County, Connecticut was one of four original Connecticut counties and was established on May 10, 1666, by an act of the Connecticut General Court.

Samuel Davis, Sr. and Mary Waters married on March 20, 1655/56 in Lancaster, Worcester County, Massachusetts where Mary’s parents lived. 

The first child named, Mary Davis, was born on January 26 1656/57 in Lancaster. Elizabeth Davis Church was born on November 11, 1658 in Charlestown.

About 1660 Samuel became one of the original proprietors of Groton. He was granted 20 acres of land. The family lived in the part of the town that later was

known as the “Community." His house was on the north side of the community road, then a part of the Lancaster Highway,  a few rods east of the corner where the road turns . . .

Mary Davis Lewis Pratt was born on January 31, 1661/62. John Davis was born on March 10, 1663/1664. Sarah Davis Cady was born on August 12, 1667. Samuel Davis, Jr. was born on January 8, 1669/1670. Barnabas Davis was born on April 17, 1672. A daughter was born on February 10, 1673/74.

During King Philip's War, Mary and the children relocated to Charlestown where Patience Davis Green was born on April 10, 1674 and  Nathaniel Davis was born about 1675. In 1675/76, Samuel's wife, Mary and their five children lived with his aunt and uncle, Patience and William Ridland’s in Charlestown.

On March 2, 1676, Groton was attacked and burned. Only four of the protected homes survived. The remaining residents abandoned the town and fled to safer areas. Samuel Davis’s name appeared on a list of  residents who wished to leave Groton

According to your Excellency's commands, we have sent an account of those, that are either actually removed, or are meditating of it. Our people are reduced to that degree that they find themselves unable to subsist any longer - would pray your Excellency either to grant liberty for their remove, or that they may be reduced here entirely to garrison of the town militia for the preserving the frontiers.

The residents of Groton, including the Samuel Davis family, returned in 1678 to rebuild the town.

Their son Barnabas died on August 12, 1690 in Charlestown.

The town remained somewhat peaceful until 1689 when the attacks of King William's War began. Barnabas died in 1690 in Charlestown.

On March 17, 1691/92, the Davis family was assigned to Preacott's garrison in Groton

Samuel Sr. died in 1699, John was shot by indigenous warriors in 1704, and Mary died in 1713. 

Their son, Barnabas, died on August 12, 1690 in Charlestown, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.

Mary Pratt moved to Chelsey, Elizabeth Church moved to Voluntown, New London County, Connecticut, Sarah Cady moved to Killingly, and Samuel, Jr. stayed in Groton.
Groton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts was settled and incorporated in 1655. During King Philip's War, indigenous warriors burned all but four of Groton's garrisons. Survivors fled, but returned two years later to rebuild the town. Groton was again threated during Queen Anne's War.
Mary White Rowlandson,Talcot
was captured by Native Americans
during King Philip's War (1675-1676).
Old Style Calendar
Before 1752 the year began on Lady Day, March 25th,. Dates between January 1st and March 24th were at the end of the year. Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) are used to indicate whether the year has been adjusted. Often both dates are used.

King Philip’s War was a bloody and costly series of raids and skirmishes in 1675 and 1676 between the Native American people and the colonials. King Philip was the Native American leader Metacom.
King William's War (1688–97) was also known as the Second Indian War, Father Baudoin's War, or Castin's War. It was the North American theater of the Nine Years' War.
New London County, Connecticut was one of four original Connecticut counties and was established on May 10, 1666, by an act of the Connecticut General Court.

Connecticut's first European settlers were Dutch.


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New Jersey Baptists
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©Roberta Tuller 2024
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