State of Newhampshire
To the Honourable Justices of the Court of Common Pleas, now sitting at Keene within and for said County, on the first Tuesday in April, Anno Domini 1801,
Humbly Shews.
The Proprietors of the third Newhampshire Turnpike road in said Sate, that said road hath been agreeably to the act of incorporation, laid out and designated through and over lands belonging to the following persons, viz,
Joshua Hale,
Thomas and Isaac Redington,
Josiah Bellows,
The heirs of the Estate of John Crafts deceascd,
William Pierce,
Calvin Ripley,
Caleb Bellows,
Stephen Johnson,
Eliphalet Fox,
Joseph Heaton,
Horace Floyd,
Josiah Richardson
Apollos Gilmore,
Noah Heaton,
Alexander Watkins,
Aaron Hodgkins,
Aaron Allen,
Asa Sibley,
Manoah Drury,
Jonathan Jenison,
Nathan Bundy, Jr.
Ebenezer Eaton,
The heirs of Daniel Whipple,
Davis Carpenter,
Ebemezer Crehore,
Barnabas Willey,
Elijah Mason,
Benjamin Bellows,
Stephen Bowker,
Cheever Fowler,
Oliver Wright,
Abel Allen,
Benjamin Merrifield,
William Coolidge,
Amasa Carpenter,
Stephen Griswold Jr.
Stephen Griswold,
John Houghton,
Stephen Chase,
Stephen Easty, (Estey)
Jonathan Dwinnell,
William William,
Daniel Newcomb,
Alexander Ralston,
Thomas Baker,
Josiah Willard,
Samuel Heaton,
Zacheus Farnsworth,
Joseph Brown,
Timothy Harvey,
William Lincoln,
Aaron Lombard,
Phineas Farrar Phillips Sweetser,
Isaac Cummings,
William Tenney , Jr.
Levi Gates,
John Penhallow,
Oliver Wright,
Moses Tucker,
Jonadab Baker,
William Tenney,
Jonathan Capron,
Solomon Davis,
Bery Spalding,
Israel Whitcomb,
Simon Piper,
Silas Fife,
Daniel Emery,
Laban Ainsworth,
Roger Gilmore
Arthur Taylor,
Benjamin Haywood.
And said Proprietors further represent to your honours that they have not agreed with said owners concerning the damages for paving over their Lands. Wherefore your petitionres humbly pray your honours to appoint a committee to assess the damages and as in duty bound will ever pray.
John Bellows, Amah Allen,Lockhart ,Willard
Directors |