Name |
from |
born |
remarks |
Alexander, David |
Alyea, John |
Andrews, William |
Andress |
Austin, William |
Avery, Nehemiah |
Otsego, New York |
Avery, William |
Bates, George |
Birdsell, Jeremiah |
Bogart, Henry |
Botsford, Rufus |
Brown, Benjamin, Jr. |
New London, CN |
1771 |
son of Ben, Sr. |
Brown, Benjamin, Sr. |
New London, CN |
1741 |
Brown, Jonathan |
New London, CN |
1785 |
son of Ben, Sr. |
Brown, Nathan |
New London CN |
1769 |
son of Ben, Sr. |
Cain, Isaiah |
Windham, Connecticut |
Cain, John |
Calighans, Patrick |
Churchill, Solomon |
Churchill, William |
Comstock, Abigail |
Kent, Rhode Island |
widow of Levi Comstock |
Comstock, Phebe Elliot |
daughter of Jonathan Elliott,
widow of Aaron Comstock
Connel, Robert |
Corbet, William |
Cornell, James |
Cronkite, Peter |
Curtis, Nathan |
b. 1765 in Brockville |
DeWolf, Bethuel |
married Phoebe Case |
Downs, Seth |
Elliott, Samuel |
probably son of John Elliott |
Fairchild, Eleazer |
Freel, Thomas |
Fulford, Abel |
Gardiner, George |
Griffin, Richardson |
Griffin, Samuel |
Hall, John |
Harrington, John |
Hicks, Martin |
Holmes, Abraham |
How, Solomon |
How, Thomas |
Huit, Jacob, Jr. |
Huit, Jacob, Sr. |
Hewitt |
Huit, James |
Huit, Martin |
Huit, Robert |
Hunter, David, Jr. |
Hunter, David, Sr. |
Hutchinson, Asa |
Hutchinson, David |
Hutchinson, Elias |
Jaqua, Seth |
b. 1756, from CN |
married Margaret Harrington |
Johnson, Frederick |
Judson, Lyman |
June, Peter |
Kelar, Sylvanus |
Kelsey, James |
Connecticut then New York |
1742 |
Jessup's Loyal Ranger |
Kelsey, William |
Kincaid, Alexander |
Kincaid, John |
Knapp, Ebenezer |
Knapp, Ithamer |
LaRue, Henry |
LaRue, William |
Landers, Ebenezer |
Landers, Jabez |
Leviston, James |
Lufts, Winthrop |
Mallory, Andrew |
son of Nathaniel |
Mallory, Daniel |
Mallory, Daniel |
son of Nathaniel |
Mallory, David |
son of Nathaniel |
Mallory, Elias |
son of Ogden |
Mallory, Enoch |
Mallory, Israel |
son of Nathaniel |
Mallory, Jeremiah |
son of Enoch |
Mallory, Justus |
son of Ogden |
Mallory, Lemuel |
son of Nathaniel |
Mattice, Isaac |
McCabe, Samuel |
McDaniel, Randy |
McGowen, Thomas |
McLean, Alexander |
McLean, Archibald |
McNalty, John |
Miller, Henry |
More, Rachel |
Munro, Daniel |
Munro, John |
Munro, Samuel |
Munro, Timothy |
Orlgin, Edmund |
Parish, Eliada |
Parish, Joel |
Parish, William |
Pattison, Cruth |
Pattison, Edward |
Pattison, James |
Pattison, William |
Philips, Daniel |
Philips, Philip |
Phillips, George |
Proctor, Joseph |
Proctor, Thomas |
Purdy, William |
Purvis, Peter |
Randolf, Abraham |
Robbins, John |
Robbins, Selah |
Roynold, Ephraim |
Seaman, Caleb |
Selee, Peet |
Shipman, Samuel |
Slack, Joseph |
Smith, Daniel |
Smith, Shubel |
Smith, Zebulon |
Steel, David S. |
Thomson, James |
Tindell, Daniel |
Trickey, Henry |
Trickey, John |
Trickey, Peter |
Tryon, Elias |
b. 1766 |
son of Asael Tryon, married Ann Fairchild |
Tryon, Elijah |
Whitley, John |
Whitney, Elijah |
Whitney, John |
Whitney, Stephen |
Wickham, John |
married Lucy Brown daughter of Benjamin Brown |
Willcocks, David |
Wilcox |
Willcocks, Hazard |
Wilcox, Jr. |
Wiltse, Benoni, Jr. |
b. 1777 |
Wiltse, Benoni, Sr. |
b. 1758 |
Wiltse, Cornelius |
b. 1775 |
Wiltse, James |
b. 1764 |
Wiltse, John |
b. 1748 |
Wiltse, Joseph |
Wiltse, Solomon |
Wing, David |
Wing, Gershom |
Wing, Jedediah |
Wolley, Peter |
Wolly, William |
Wood, George |
son of John |
Wood, John |
b. 1739 |