
An American Family History

The Avery Family in Leeds County


Brockville, Ontario was called Elizabethtown. The area was first settled by English speakers in 1785, when Americans who had remained loyal to the crown fled to Canada after the American Revolution.

United Empire Loyalists were Americans who remained loyal to King George III and the British Empire. They moved to Canada after the American Revolution.

William Avery, Sr. was born about 1750 in Cherry Valley, Otsego County, New York.

William was a loyalist during the American Revolution. He joined the King's Loyal Rangers where he served with Lemuel Caswell and William and Henry Clow. His father owned 900 acres which was confiscated by the Americans.

The name of William Avery's first wife is not known.

William married Deliverance Mott.

William 's children may have included:

Nehemiah Avery (1775, married Catherine Gray),
Sarah Avery (1780, married Winthrop Tufts),
Eleanor Avery (1782, married Benjamin Munsell),
James Avery (1789, married Deliverance Munsell and Jane Ducalon),
William Avery, Jr. (1794, Sabrina Mott),
Rebecca Avery (1800),
Samuel Avery (1802, Eleanor Quinsey), and
Catherine Avery (married Marvin Hunter).

Isaac Avery (1824, married Mary Trickey)
Joseph Avery (1831, married Mary Ann)

As a Loyalist, he arrived in the Yonge Township in 1785 with his ten-year old son, Nehemiah.

In 1791, William signed a petition in Thurlow, Hastings County, Ontario requesting that the township be laid out in lots.

James and William were founders of the Methodist church at Yonge Mills.

Nehemiah and William Avery were assessed in Yonge Township in 1805.

James and William Avery were with the 1st Regiment Leeds Militia during the War of 1812.

James Avery, Sabrina Mott Avery, and William Avery appeared on the census lists of Yonge Township, Leeds County Ontario in the 1840s.

William died on March 1, 1813 and is buried in the Yonge Mills Cemetery. Nehemiah was left the E 1/2 of Lot 7, second concession of Yonge Township at his father's death. Nehemiah died in 1823/4.

The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) was between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the 13 colonies which became the newly formed United States.


from The History of Leeds and Grenville, Ontario from 1749 to 1879 by Thad. W.H. Leavitt 1879 Recorder Press, Brockville p.114

William Avery a U.E. Loyalist came to Canada at an early date from Cherry Valley, State of New York. At the time of the revolution his father owned 900 acres of land in that State which was confiscated by the Republicans. Mr Avery first settled in Elizabethtown, but afterwards removed to Yonge


from A Record of Marriages Solemnized by William Smart

1818 Jan. 19th.-William Avery, of Yonge, and Sabrina Mott, of Elizabethtown, banns, witnesses Sam'l Avery, Peter Purvis.

1823 March 20th.—James Avery and Jane Dukelon, both of Yonge, banns, wit. Claudius Dukelon, David Tuffs.


Joseph Avery was born about 1750.

He was a fifer in the Loyal Rangers.

In 1784 Joseph Avery appeared on the provisioning list for disbanded troops as a member of the Loyal Rangers. He was mustered in Augusta.

Joseph Avery received a grant of concession 8, lot 15 before 1803.


The first European settlements in Ontario were after the American Revolution when 5,000 loyalists left the new United States.

James Avery (William) was born 1789 in Yonge Township, Leeds County, Ontario.

He married Deliverance Munsell. She was born 1799.

James and Deliverance's children probably included:
Alfred Avery (1818)
Isaac Avery (1820)
Albert Avery

Rebecca Avery (1830)
James Avery (1832)
Sophia Avery (1833)
Ellen Etta Avery
Lydia Avery (1842)
Ruggles Avery (1844)

James died on November 13, 1866. Deliverance died September 11, 1877. They are buried in Yonge Mills Cemetery.

The Battle of the Windmill was in November, 1838. Loyalists defeated an invasion attempt by Hunter Patriots, led by  Nils von Schoultz, who were attempting to overthrow British rule. The battle was at a windmill two miles east of Prescott.



William Avery (William) was born 1794.

He married Sabrina Mott.

Cynthia Avery (married Thomas Ackland)


Nehemiah Avery was was born about 1775. His parents were William Avery and Deliverance Mott.

He arrived with his Loyalist father in Yonge Township in 1785 .

He married Catherine Gray on December 11, 1806.

He died 1823/4.




from The Averys of Groton: Genealogical and Biographical, Volume 2 by Homer De Lois Sweet

William, [Avery] jr., eldest son of 38-15-9 and Abigail Williams.: married, about the close of the Revolutionary war, Deliverance Mott, born about 1750, died 1826, in Mallorytown, Canada;

Nehemiah, birth unknown, married and had two children.
James, birth 1789, died Nov. 13, 1866.
William, 3d, birth unknown, married Sabrina Mott.
Sherwood, birth unknown, married Amy Guild [son of William 3rd anad Sabrina Mott].
Samuel, born 1802, died Sept. 8, 1857, md. Ellen Quinsey.
Sarah, birth unknown, married William Tuffts.
Nelly, birth unknown, married Judge Rugless Munson.
Peggy, birth unknown, married a Mr. Hunter.
Catharine, birth unknown, married Marvin Hunter.

The above, probably, are not in their chronological order.

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©Roberta Tuller 2019
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