
An American Family History

The Birdsall Family of Leeds County, Ontario


also spelled Berdsall, Birdsell, Birdzell, Byrdsell

United Empire Loyalists were Americans who remained loyal to King George III and the British Empire. They moved to Canada after the American Revolution.

Jeremiah Birdsall

Jermiah's children may have included:

Catherine Birdsall (married William A. McDonald),
Joshua Birdsall,
Andrew Birdsall,
Diana Birdsall (1775, married Reuben Palmer),
Benjamin Birdsall.

Jeremiah was on the Muster Roll of Disbanded Officers Discharged and Disbanded Soldiers and Loyalists Mustered at Digby the 29th May 1784..

In 1790 Jeremiah settled in Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario.

In 1796 Jeremiah took the loyalist oath of allegiance.

Jeremiah was assessed in Yonge Township in 1805.

Andrew and Benjamin were in Yonge in the 1840s.

Brockville, Ontario was called Elizabethtown. The area was first settled by English speakers in 1785, when Americans who had remained loyal to the crown fled to Canada after the American Revolution.



On February 7, 1813, the American army raided Elizabethtown (present day Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario). The Americans crossed the frozen St. Lawrence River and seized equipment, freed American prisoners, and captured Canadian men.




Loyalists in Ontario

Jeremiah Birdsall of Cramahe
--Catherine m Wm A. McDonald of Cramahe OC 1837
--Joshua of Percy OC 18 May 1837
--Andrew of Yonge OC 3 July 1831
--Diana m Reuben Palmer of Kitley OC 3 July 1834
--Benjamin A, OC 2 Oct 1834

Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2025
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