
An American Family History

Kincaid Family in Leeds County, Ontario


John Kincaid was born on November 3, 1771 in of Bannockburn, Stirling, Scotland.

John married Mary Thomson about 1805. Mary was born about 1783.

John was assessed in Yonge Township in 1805.

John died on July 30, 1855 in Caintown, Leeds County, Ontario, Canada.


Leeds County, Ontario, Canada was first surveyed in 1792 in preparation for the United Empire Loyalists settlers. In 1850, Leeds County merged with Grenville to create the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville.

Archibald Kincaid was born on October 4, 1780 in of Bannockburn, Stirling, Scotland.

Robert Kincaid (1806),
James Kincaid (1808),
John Kincaid (1810),

Archibald Kincaid (1821),
Eliza Ann Kincaid (1823),
Charles Kincaid (1826),
Agnes Kincaid Saunders (1828),
William Kincaid (1830).

Most of the family settled near Farmersville (now Athens), Leeds County, Ontario.

The first European settlements in Ontario were after the American Revolution when 5,000 loyalists left the new United States.


The Battle of the Windmill was in November, 1838. Loyalists defeated an invasion attempt by Hunter Patriots, led by  Nils von Schoultz, who were attempting to overthrow British rule. The battle was at a windmill two miles east of Prescott.


Alexander Kincaid was born in 1778 in Bannockburn, Scotland.

Alexander was assessed in Yonge Township in 1805.

He married Martha Gardiner before 1806.




On February 7, 1813, the American army raided Elizabethtown (present day Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario). The Americans crossed the frozen St. Lawrence River and seized equipment, freed American prisoners, and captured Canadian men.

from History of Leeds and Grenville, Ontario

Archibald Kincaid was born at Bannockburn, near Stirling, Scotland, on October 4th 1780. He was early apprenticed to the tailoring trade, which, having learned he married and started business on his own account.

In the year 1804, he emigrated to America, bringing with him his wife and two brothers, John and Alexander, and a small stock of goods, with which to establish business in America. He came to Upper Canada and settled at the present site of Brockville [was Elizabethtown], which was then a wilderness.

He began working at his trade, taking in exchange for work, pork, flour, etc., such things as he could ship to Montreal and sell. After being in Canada two years, he started to return to Scotland with his wife, and was shipwrecked in the Straits of Belle Isle, losing all he possessed. After wandering about for two years, he again made his way back to Upper Canada, and commenced working at his trade at Brockville, which then contained but a few houses, no streets or clearings having then been made. He continued at his business, and, as the country became settled, enlarged his trade, by which he amassed considerable wealth. After some years, having become too feeble to continue his business, he removed with one of his sons to Yonge, near Farmersville, where he died in the year 1865, aged eighty-five years.

He raised a family often children, three daughters and seven sons, of whom there are now but five living, the eldest being James Kincaid, who resides in Brockville, the other brothers and sisters having all settled near Farmersville [now Athens], where they are engaged in business and farming.

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©Roberta Tuller 2019
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