Lebbeus Wickwire |
Lebbeus Wickwire was born about 1745 in Lebanon, New London County, Connecticut. The church records of Goshen, Lebanon, Connecticut record that he joined the church on April 14, 1754. His wife was named Mary. His children probably included: He moved to Ontario, Canada about the time of the American Revolution. He may have served in the British Army. A King's Rangers' roll taken at Fort St Johns on 10Jan82. This shows Libavous Wickwire as a ranger. The interpretation of that given name takes some imagination. It's almost as if the clerk messed it about to disguise his inability to discern the name. This roll shows no indication of Livius's rank. He was granted land in Ontario. 1797 Elizabethtown census:
In 1801 the family was in Elizabethtown.
Lebbeus served in the 1st Leeds Militia during the War of 1812. David Mallory bought land granted to Lebbeus Wickwire 5 Jan 1826.
Upper Canada Land Petitions Wickware, Philip .. LEEDS .. 1818 Wickwire, (HOTCHKISS) ELIZABETH .. EASTERN DISTRICT .. 1797
Wickwire, ELIZABETH .. DUNDAS .. 1810 Wickwire, JAMES .. GRENVILLE .. 1806 Wickwire, JOHN .. GRENVILLE .. 1806 Wickwire, JONATHON .. DUNDAS .. 1816 Wickwire, JONATHON .. TALBOT ROAD .. 1830 Wickwire, LEBIOUS .. YORK .. 1799 Wickwire, LEBIUS .. DUNDAS .. 1810 Wickwire, LEBIUS .. GRENVILLE .. 1837 Wickwire, LEVIUS .. DUNDAS .. 1809 Wickwire, PHILIP .. LEEDS .. 1825 Wickwire, SAMUEL .. DUNDAS .. 1816 Wickwire, SAMUEL .. TALBOT ROAD .. 1830
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