
An American Family History


Deborah Hadley Fred Howell

A tanner treats animal skins to produce leather. After the tanning process, the currier dresses, finishes and colors the tanned hide.


Deborah Hadley was born on April 25, 1701 in Ireland. Her parents were Simon and Ruth Hadley.

She married Benjamin Fredd about 1721.

Benjamin died in 1752.

She married Jacob Howell on October 13, 1753 at the New Garden Monthly Meeting in Chester County, Pennsylvania.

To the Monthly Meeting of New Garden.
Dear Friends: After a salutation of dear love to you in our Lord Jesus Christ, we acquaint you that our worthy and well beloved Friend, Jacob Howell, made application to our last Monthly Meeting for a certificate, in order for marriage with Deborah, the widow of Benjamin Fredd, belonging to your meeting, and also for settlement amongst you.

And although we very much regret to part with so useful and serviceable a member in the Church, yet think it our duty to give this testimony on his behalf, and though it will be our great loss, we believe, as he abides under the influence of Divine love, which has hitherto been his conductor, it will be your gain, and therefore recommend him to Divine protection and your care and notice. Your loving friends.

Old Style Calendar
Before 1752 the year began on Lady Day, March 25th,. Dates between January 1st and March 24th were at the end of the year. Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) are used to indicate whether the year has been adjusted. Often both dates are used.





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From the Will of Simon Hadley

I do leave my daughter, Deborah Howel, wife of Jacob Howel, 10 pounds current money

and I do leave to the said Jacob Howel, 10 pounds current money, which shall be in full their portion and share of my real and personal estate.

Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2024
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