
An American Family History


Joshua Hadley


North Carolina was one of the thirteen original Colonies. It was first settled by small farmers and grew quickly in the mid 18th century.

Joshua Hadley was born on May 6, 1703 in Ireland. He was the son of Simon Hadley.

He married Mary Rowland on November 22, 1725 at New Garden Monthly Meeting in Chester County, Pennsylvania.

Mary and Joshua's children included:

Ruth Hadley, (1726, married John Marshall),
Thomas Hadley (1728), and
Sarah Hadley (1730, married Joseph Fredd).

Mary died in 1733.

In 1735  he married Patience Brown. Patience was born July 25, 1712. She was the daughter of Jeremiah Brown and Mary Royal. Their children included:

Simon Hadley (1737),
Mary Hadley (1739),
Jeremiah Hadley (1741),
Joshua Hadley, Jr. (1743),
Joseph Hadley (1745),
Deborah Hadley (1749),
Hannah Hadley (1752), and
Catherine Hadley (1746).

In the first month in 1736, Joshua was accused of fathering a child with Margery Lindley.

Margery Lindley says she is with Child by Joshua Hadley which he denyes yt she says true & he has since gone and married an other young woman by a priest therefore this meeting appoints Michael Lightfoot, Joseph Sharpe & Wm Miller to Endeavor to have Joshua and Margery together & here what they have to say & to prepare a Testimony for ye Clearing of Truth. (from New Garden Monthly Meeting Men's Minutes)

The second month the minutes read

Joshua Hadley declining to meet those appointed before Margery Lindley A Testimony is signed against each of them & Isaac Jackson Senr to see them read to Newgarden and send Joshua's to Notingham that friends there may have such use of it as they think proper.

Joshua and Patience were disowned by the New Garden Monthly Meeting on February 24, 1736

The third month James Harlan was implicated he

was assistant to Joshua Hadley in his marriage by ye priest and it was intimated several times Drinks strong Liquor to excess.

Joshua and Patience acknowledged their guilt, they were re-installed on May 30, 1737. 

Joshua moved to a part of Augusta County, Virginia that is now in Botetourt County.

In 1756 they moved to Cane Creek, North Carolina. They were early members of the Cane Creek Monthly Meeting.

Joshua died about 1760 in North Carolina.

Augusta County, Virginia was formed in 1738 from Orange County and was vast territory including West Virginia and Kentucky.
1770 - southern part became Botetourt.
1776 - parts became Monongalia, Ohio, and Yohogania.
1778 - area west of Ohio River became Illinois County.
- northeastern part became Rockingham.
- southwestern part was combined with part of Botetourt to form Rockbridge
1788 - northern part combined with part of Hardy to become Pendleton.
1790 - western part was combined with parts of Botetourt and Greenbrier to form Bath.
Virginia county formation was complex and some of the above counties were further divided or disbanded.

Early Quakers were persecuted. In the Massachusetts Bay colony, Friends were banished on pain of death.





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To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come,
I Simon Hadly of Mill Creek Hundred in the County of New Castle on Delaware, send greetings.

Know ye that I, Simon Hadly, for and in consideration of the love, goodwill, and affection which I have and do bear towards my living son, Joshua Hadley of Mill Creek Hundred in the County of New Castle aforesaid, have given and granted and by these present do fully, freely, clearly and absolutely give and grant unto the said Joshua Hadly, his heirs and assigns all that piece or parcel of land,

  • thence East by the land of Joseph Hadly 179 perches to a post,
  • thence North 179 perches to a Mulberry tree,
  • thence West 179 perches to a post thence South by the land of Daniel Worsly 179 perches
  • to the place of beginning, containing 200 acres situated in Mill Creek Hundred in the County of New Castle aforesaid,

together with the right, title, interest, claim, and demand whatsoever which I now have or which any or either of my heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns may hereafter have of, to, or in the said granted premises or any part thereof to have and to hold the said 200 acres of land unto him the said Joshua Hadly, his heirs and assigns forever absolutely without any manner of condition, as I, said Simon Hadly, have fully and freely and absolutely and of my own accord seat and put in further testimony in witness whereof I have hereunto seat my hand and seal this 12th day of the 10th month in the year 1726.



from Simon Hadley's Will

Imprimus, ? I give, devise and bequeath unto my grandson Simon Hadley, son of my son Joshua Hadley,

  • the Messuage plantation and tract of land I now live on, bounded and described as follows: Viz.
    • Beginning at a corner post, being a corner of Jacob Johns lands
    • thence by his line east 300 perches to a corner white oak in the Manor line,
    • thereon south by the said line 217 perches to a corner hickory,
    • thence west by the land now seated by my grandson, John Hadley, 73 perches to a post,
    • thence north 31 degrees, west 38 perches to a black oak,
    • thence north 50 degrees west 48 perches and a half to a gum tree,
    • thence north 60 degrees west 137 perches and a half to another gum,
    • thence north 20 degrees, west 19 perches to a post,
    • thence north 69 degrees, 59 perches to a post in William Rows line,
    • thence north by the same 46 perches to the place of beginning,

    contain - 260 acres be the same more or less, making the bounds aforesaid, with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, to hold to him, my said grandson, Simon Hadley, and the male heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever,

    but if my said grandson should depart this life without lawful issue, then it is my will and I do give and devise the same Messuage plantation and tract of land unto my grandson, Jeremiah Hadley, son of my said son, Joshua Hadley, to hold to him and the male heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever,

    but if he should depart this life without male heirs as above, then and in such case I give and devise and bequeath the said Messuage plantation and tract of land and premises unto the next male heirs as consanguinity to him and the male heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever. I also give and bequeath unto my said grandson, Simon Hadley,

  • my clock and walnut clothes press which stands in one of the upper rooms and
  • the sum of 10 pounds lawful money,
Messuage means a dwelling house with outbuildings and land assigned to its use.

I do leave my son, Joshua Hadley,

  • 10 pounds current money and
  • half of my wearing apparel which shall be in full of his portion and share of my real and personal estate.

I do leave to my grand-children Ruth Marshall, wife to John Marshall, the sum of 20 pounds current money, and

I do leave to Thomas Hadley , the sum of 40 pounds current money, and

I do leave to Sarah Fred, wife to Joseph Fred, the sum of 50 pounds current money, and

I do leave to Mary Hadley the sum of 60 pounds current money, and

I do leave to Jeremiah Hadley the sum of 60 pounds current money, and

I do leave to Joshua Hadley, Jr. the sum of 60 pounds current money, and

I do leave to Joseph Hadley Jr. the sum of 60 pounds current money, and

I do leave Deborah Hadley 60 pounds current money and

I do leave Hannah Hadley the sum of 60 pounds current money, and

I do leave Catherine Hadley, the sum of 60 pounds current money, all of them children of my son Joshua Hadley.


from Deed Book 2, Page 48

1748 18 August.
Rev. John Craige to Joshua Hadley
400 acres in fork of Craig's Creek and James River.
Isabella Hellena, wife of John.
Teste: Thos. Lewis, Silas Hart, Rob't McClenachan. 

Testis (Test) is latin for witness. Testes is the plural.

from Deed Book 2, Page 854

1750 29 August.
Benj. Borden etc. to Joshua Hadley
345 acres, part of 2,880 acres on Catabo Creek.
Patented by Benj. Sr. 19th March 1740


from Deed Book 2, Page 92

1751 28 November.
James Patton to Joshua Hadley
186 acres by patent Nov. 3, 1750
a place called the Long Bottom. South side of James River.


from Deed Book 6, Page 22

1753 12 Dec.
Joshua Hadley and Patience to Thomas Hadley
400 acres in fork of James River and Craigs Creek
Teste: Edward McDonald
Delivered to Wm. Preston. 


from Will Book 2, Page 19

1754 13 March
Joseph and David Robinson and Edward McDonald appraised the improvements and value of the stock on the four sundry tracts of land belonging to Joshua Hadley, and his expenses in coming to Virginia and moving his family there.

115 acre tract, called the Half Moone, 23,0,0
186 acre tract called Long Bottom, 30,0,0
400 acre tract at the mouth of Craig's Creek, 44,0,0
50 acre tract, called the pound bottom, 10,0,0.
For six weeks journey in coming to and going from Virginia, at 5 Sh.per day, 10,0,0.
For coming with his wagon stock and family, six weeks at 20 Sh.per day, 42,0,0.
Total £159,0,0. 


from Deed book 9, Page 15

1760 18 Aug.
Joshua Hadley and Patience of Orange County, North Carolina
to Robert Kyle of Albemarle
345 acres on Catawba of James River,
part of 2,880 acres granted to Benj. Borden, 9 March 1740.
Teste: James Rowland, Joshua Hadley Jr., David Irvine.
Livery of seisin [an archaic legal conveyancing ceremony]
Delivered: Rev. Alex Miller, 21 May 1770. 

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Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
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Pennsylvania Pioneers
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Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2024
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