Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania was established on September 20, 1787 as a large region of Central Pennsylvania. It was previously part of Bedford County and the earlier Cumberland Region.
Anderson, James
Armstrong, James
Armstrong, Thomas
Bell, Arthur
Bell, Thomas
Bogs, Andrew
Brown, Michal
Brown, Moses
Carswell, Walter
Cheney, Edward
Cheney, Isiah
Collins, Jacob
Conner, Henry
Conner, James
Conner, John
Corswell, Robert
Cotton, John
Crawfeus, Nicholas
Crawfus, John
Creass, Joseph
Cree, John
Dearmott, James
Dickey, John
Ewing, James
Ewing, John
Ewing, Samuel
Ewing, William
Fereys, Moses
Ferguson, John
Ferguson, Moses
Ferguson, Thomas
Frog, John
Gallaher, George
Gallaher, Thomas
Glen, Andrew
Glen, Archibald
Glen, James
Glen, John
Glen, Robert
Gordan, David
Gray, Thomas
Gray, George
Green, Clement
son of George Green
Heney, James
Huston, William
Jenkins, William
Johnston, William
Karr, John
Kenedy, John
Lenard, Robert
Lisle, John
Little, John
Logue, John
Long, John
Long, Thomas
Long, William, Jr.
Mahan, William, Jr.
McAleise, Daniel
McAlevy, William, Sr.
McAlheany, John
McAlheany, William
McCarty, Bartholamey
McClelan, John
McCormic, Samuel
McGennes, John
McMaghen, Benjamin
McNamar, John
Miller, Richard
Mitchel, Samuel
Nelson, Abraham, Jr.
Nelson, William
Nilson, William
Oburn, Joseph Jr.
Oburn, Daniel
Porter, William Jr.
Porter, James
Porter, Samuel
Ralston, John
Ricketts, Edward
Ricketts, Jeremiah
Ricketts, John
Ricketts, Reason
Riddle, Robert
Rieley, Barnabus
Robinson, John
Seaburn, David
Seaburn, Peter
Sinkey, Richard
Smith, John
Smith, Robert Sr.
Stoops, William
Swing, John
Thompson, David
Turner, Josiah
Wason, Robert
Williamson, Joshua
Wilson, George
Wilson, John
Wilson, John Jr.
Wilson, Joshua
Wilson, James
Wilson, David
Young, John