Barree, West and Logan Townships,
Cumberland/Bedford/Huntingdon County, Pennsyvania
W - warranted land
L - land held by orders of survey;
Imp - land held by improvement-right
a - acres
h - horses ;
h. c. - horned cattle
c - cows
Tax Year-Barree Township
went to
Agnew, John Esqr.
(Egnew) 1779 - 230 a.
1788 assessment -Non-Resident Land in the forks
Anderson, Daniel
Anderson, James, Sr.?
settled in West Township in 1779
1781, 1785, militia 1788, Logan and West 1788
died March 1808 at his farm opposite Drake's Ferry
Anderson, James, Jr.?
1778-1837, married Hannah
Anderson, John
on south side of Warrior ridge
Anderson, Samuel
Had a blockhouse at the mouth of the creek built in 1778.
Anderson, Silas
married d. of Robert Cresswell
militia 1791
Armstrong, James
Listed as "under arms in Bedford County against the United States" in 1778.
militia, 1788, militia 1791
Warrior Run Cemetery
Armstrong, John
Listed as "under arms in Bedford County against the United States" in 1778.
1779- 300 a.
Armstrong, Thomas
1781, Logan and West 1788, militia 1788
Arthur, Hope
1779-50 a.
Arvin, John
militia 1791
Ashbaugh , Frederick
1775 Renter
1779-50 a.
went to Canada
Ashbaugh, John
1775 Renter
Bagge, Andrew, Jr.
1785 Single
Bagge, Andrew, Sr.
Giles and Banister
(Bennester, Benister) Bensen t)
1776,1775, 1781, 1782
1779 - 600a.
Barrow, Samuel
Listed as "under arms in Bedford County against the United States" in 1778.
Bawser, John
1779 - 4 horse, 5 cattle
Baynton & Wharten
1779 - 600, 400, 500, 200 a.
Beabout, Jacob
Beach, Waldren
Beech, Walderen
Beardmiser , Adam
settled in Huntingdon Township
1775 Renter
Beaty, Edward
Beaver, William
300 a. 1773 delinquent tax notice
Bell, Arthur, Captain
1788 assessment - 90 a., 2 h., 1 h.c.
1788, militia 1788, militia 1791
Bell, John
militia 1791
d. 1833
Bell, Thomas
1788 single, militia 1788, militia 1791
Benezett, Philip
on Globe Run
Blythe, Benjamin
1779 - 100 a.
Boggs (Bogs), Andrew
1788 assessment -Non-Resident Land deceased,
on the Warrior's Ridge, 300 a.,
1788, militia 1788
Bouquet, Col.
1779 - 60 a.
Bowers, John
Brady, Hugh
settled 1766 Huntingdon Township
Bready, John
1779 -100 a.
Brotherton, Charles
1779 -1 cattle
Brown, John
militia 1791
Brown, Michael
1788, militia 1788
Brown, Moses
b. 1738
1788, militia 1788, militia 1791
Burns, William
1779 -100 a.
Burg, Robert
Caldwell, Charles
settled Harts Log Valley in 1767
1779- 200 a.
Came from County Derry, Ireland
Caldwell, David
settled Harts Log Valley in 1767
David Caldwell m. Rebecca Dean 1789
Caldwell, James
1775 Single
Caldwell, Robert
b. 1721, m. Margaret
1779 - 300 a.
Ireland, but Scotch descent
Campbell, John
1788-1790 on Long Ridge
Canor, Jacob
Cannon, John
1779 - 100 a.
Carpenter, Daniel
Carpenter, Jacob
Carpenter, William
1775 Single
Carr, Andrew
or Karr, Keer, Kerr
militia 1791
Carr, James
Carr John
1788, militia 1788, militia 1791
Carr, William
1779- 150 a.
Caumb, John
Cheney, Gilbert
* Barree Township
1788 assessment - (for Manor), 125 a., L, W, 1 h., 1 h.c.
from Maryland
Cheney, Edward
1788 assessment - 1 h., 1 h.c.
1788, militia 1788 militia 1791
Cheney, Isiah
1788 assessment - (for Manor), 125 a., L, W, 1 h., 1 h.c.
1788, militia 1788, militia 1791
Cheney, James
Childs, James
August 2, 1762 granted a warrant for land on the creek above Fairfield, which was about ten miles from the mouth of Shaver’s Creek, and known "by a globe painted on a tree by an Indian."
Clark, Daniel
1779- 300a.
Cluggage, Francis
or Clugage
1779 - 90 a.
Coats, Benjamin
200 acres- 1773 delinquent tax notice
Cole, George
1775 Single
Coleman, Michael
Collem, Moses
1788 assessment - (for Manor), 125 a., W, 2 h., 2 h.c.
Collins, Jacob
Received 189 acres and 9 perches of SCM in 1760
1788, militia 1788
Conard, James
1785 Single
Conner, James, Jr.
1788 single
Conner, James, Sr.?
Conner, John
Connor, Henry
militia 1788, militia 1791
Connor, James
militia 1788, militia 1791
Connor, John, Jr.
militia 1788, militia 1791
Conrad, Henry
Cope, Jacob
1788 assessment - (for Cox), 350 a., W, 2 h., 1 h.c.
Corran, James
1775 Single
Cotton, John
1788 assessment -Non-Resident Land at the forks, 275 a., L
1781, 1785, militia 1788, Logan and West 1788, militia 1791
Cox, John,
1788 assessment -Non-Resident Land adjoining the Manor, 300 a., L
1789 near the Warm-Springs
- adj. Dickey-adj propriator's manor
1779 - 300 a
965 acres, bought of William Patterson, and 600 acres, in Barree 1773 delinquent notice
Cox, Rachel
1779 300 a.
Crays , John
-(Creas, Crayes, Cress, Creass)
wife Elizabeth, children: Joseph, William, John, Alexander, and Mary
1785, militia 1791
from Scotland
Crays, Joseph
s. of John & Elizabeth
militia 1788, militia 1791
Cree, John
- 1746-1824, Came to Barree in 1783.Isaac Ricketts was executor of will wife-Jane
1785, 1788, militia 1788, militia 1791
from New Jersey or Ireland
Cresswell James
Logan and West 1785, 1788
1779 - 100a.
Cresswell, James
1781, 1788
Cresswell, John
b. 1770
militia 1791
d. in Petersburg
Cresswell, Matthew
1766-1835, married Sarah Leonard, settled on Warrior's Ridge
militia 1791
from Indiana County, Pennsylvania
Cresswell, Robert, Jr.
militia 1791
went to Clearfield, Pennsylvania
Cresswell , Robert, Sr.
1779 - 100a.
1785, Logan and West 1788, 1788,militia 1788, militia 1791
Cresswell, Samuel
b. 1768
militia 1791
Cresswell Walter
Walter Carswell m. Margaret McClure 1789
1788 single, militia 1788, militia 1791
Crider (Cryder), Michael
settled 1772 Huntingdon Township
1779-300 a.
Cross, Cornelius
Crownover, Thomas
or Covenhoven, married Rachel Ricketts in 1789
Crum, John
Daniel, Samuel
1779 - 60 a.
Davis, John
1788-1790 on Long Ridge
Dean, James
constable 1775
1775, 1779
Dean, John
Dewitt/Dewit, Peter
b. 1734
1775, 1779
New Jersey
Dewitt/Davitt, Barnard (Bernard)
b. 1738
New Jersey
Dermont, James
militia, 1788, militia 1791 1788 assessment -150 a., L, 1 h. 2 h.
Dick, Widow
1779 - 200 a.
Dickey, James
1779 - 300 a.
1781, 1785
from Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Dickey, John
1779 - 300 a.
1781, 1785, militia 1788, Logan and West 1788
from Carlisle, Pennsylvania
died in Barree
Dirkson, William
Drake, Benjamin
1779 - 100 a.
Donaldson, Andrew
Donnelson, Moses
1779 - 100 a.
Dunlap, James
or Dunlop
1779 - 450 a.
Eachens, William
or Eakins, Eakin
1779 - 100 a.
Eddington, David
1779 - 100 a.
Edenton, Jonathan
1775 Single
Edwards, John,
1788 assessment -Non-Resident Land adj. Robert Riddle, 200 a., W
Edwards, Thomas
(Edward )
1779 - 300 a.
Elder, Joshua
1779 - 100 a.
Elliot, Benjamin
or Eliott
b. 1752 settled in Huntingdon Township , s. Robert , m. Hillary Carpenter & Sarah Ashman
1775 Single
Peters township, Cumberland county, now Franklin county. Pa
Elliott, James
1788 assessment -Non-Resident Land adjoining Thomas Ewing, 170 a., on Shaver's Creek
1779 - 300 a.
Erving, John
1785 Single
Ewing, Alexander
b. 1753
Manor Hill Presby. Cem
Ewing John, Sr.
1781, 1785, 1788, militia 1788, 1788 assessment - (for Harshaw), 300 a., L, 2 h., 1 h.c. militia 1791
Ewing, James
militia 1788, militia 1791
Ewing, John, Jr.
1788 assessment - 50 a., I, 1 h., 1 h.c.
1785, 1788, militia 1788
Ewing, Samuel
1743-1808 married Sarah
1788 assessment - 50 a., I, 2 h., 2 h.c.
1785, 1788, militia 1788
Ewing, Thomas, Sr.
b. 1730 1782
1788 assessment - 300 a., L, 2 h., 2 h.c.
1775, 1781,
Ewing, Thomas, Jr.
1781, 1785,1788, militia 1791
Ewing, William
Ewing, William
militia 1788, militia 1791
Fee, John
1779 - 50 a.
Feress, Moses
-(Farie, Feries, Fereys)
1785, 1788, militia 1788, militia 1791
Ferguson, Henry
b. 1758
1779 - 100 a.
1781, 1785, 1788
1788 assessment - 160 a., W, 2 h., 1 h.c.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Ferguson, John
b. 1760
1781, 1788 , militia 1788 1788 assessment - 160 a., W, 2 h., 1 h.c.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Fleming Kentucky
Ferguson, Moses
abt. 1735
1788 single , militia 1788
Ferguson , Thomas
b. 1761
1779 - 100 a.
1781, 1785 . 1788 , militia 1788
1788 assessment - 160 a., W, 4 h., 5 h.c., 1 still
Fleming Kentucky
Ferguson, Thomas
1779 - 200 a.
Finley, Samuel
In 1763 applied for land on Shaver’s Creek , "next below the Globe."
Fitzgerald James
militia 1791
Flatcher, Archibald
Fockler, George, Sr.?
Fockler, George, Jr.?
1785 Single
Fox, William
1779 - 200 a.
Forrest, Thomas
b. 1747 in Barree m. Ann Whitpain
Francis, William
Frogg, Baltazer
(Frog, Frogge)
Frogg, Boston
b. abt. 1740
Frogg, John
1788, militia 1788
Fry, George
1779 - 300, 300 a.
Galbraith, Arthur
b. 1728 September 22, 1766, took up 250 acres.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Botetourt, Virginia
Gallagher, George
militia 1788
Gallagher, Hugh
Received 383 acres and 53 perches of SCM in 1760
Gallagher, Thomas
1788 assessment
- 150 a., W, 2 h., 2 h.c.
1788, militia 1788
A blockhouse or garrison house is a small, isolated fort. The typical blockhouse was two stories with the second story overhanging the first. It had small openings to allow residents to shoot attackers without being exposed.
A militia is a military unit composed of citizens who are called up in time of need.
Gamble, William
1773 delinquent tax list , 400 a.
Gamel, John
1779 - 400 a.
George, John
on west side of Stone creek ad. Old Town tract
Gerard, Nathaniel
1779 - 50 a.
Gibbins David
(Givins, Gibbons)
1775 Single (Deceased) 1781
Gibson, James
Glen , Andrew
b. 1752, married Nancy Ferguson
1779, 1781, 1785, 1788, militia 1788
Glen, Archibald
b. 1753, married Jane Ferguson
1779, 1781, 1785,1788, militia 1788
Nicholas County, Kentucky
Glen, James
b. 1744, Supervisor 1792, constable 1788 & 1795
1788 , militia 1788, militia 1791
Glen, John
b. 1741, married Mary Diven
1779 - 200 a.
1781, 1785, 1788, militia 1788
Centre, Pennsylvania
Glen, Robert, Sr.
militia, 1788, militia 1791
Glen, William
b. 1750
militia 1791
North Carolina
Gordon, David
1779 - 150 a.
1788, militia 1788, militia 1791
Goslin, Benjamin
Goffine 1779
Goslin, Charles
Goslin, Mordecai
1775 Single
Graffius, Abraham
Fairfield County, Ohio
Graffius, Jacob
Graffius, John
contable, 1791
1785, 1788 militia 1788, militia 1791
Graffius, Nicholas
1775, 1785, Logan and West 1788 militia 1788, militia 1791
1779 - 190a.
d. 1821
Graffius, Peter
settled Harts Log Valley
1779 - 190 a.
Gray, Absolom
settled in Franklin Township
Gray, George
George Gray, Esq. of Shaver's Creek died 1809
1781, 1785, 1788 militia Logan and West 1788
Gray, Thomas
1785, militia 1788, Logan and West 1788
Green, Aquila
b. 1769
militia 1791
from Maryland
went to Fairfield County, Ohio
Green, Clement
b. 1758
1788 assessment - 100 a., Imp., 2 h.
1788, militia 1788, militia 1791
Green, Elisha
b. 1772
militia 1791
from Maryland
Green, George
b. 1719
1788 assessment - 300 a., L, 2 h., 1 h.c.
1785, 1788
from Maryland
Gulliver, John
Gulliver, William
1775 Single
Haldiman, John
militia 1791
Hall, Jacob
1775 Renter
1779 - 300 a.
Hamilton (Hammelton), James
Hampson/Humpson, William
Listed as "under arms in Bedford County against the United States" in 1778.
Hance, Morrison
1779 - 300 a.
Hanes, James
(Haines, Heany , Heney, Hine),
1788 assessment - 100 a., I, 2 h., 2 h.c.
1775, 1779
1788, militia 1788
Harmintage, James
1779 - 100 a.
Harrison, James
Henderson, Thomas
Thomas Henderson m. Sarah Porter 1789
militia 1788, militia 1791
Hennon James
d. 1821 (Hanon, Hannen),
from Cumberland County
Hennen, John
militia 1791
Hennen, William
b. 1770-1852 settled during the revolution
militia 1791
from Cumberland County
Herr, Jacob (1730) & Michael
(Hare, Here)
Listed as "under arms in Bedford County against the United States" in 1778.
Jacob went to Ross, Ohio
Herr, William
Hicks, Levy
Holiday Thomas
1779 - 200 a.
Huston, John
(Housdunt, Hughston)
d. 1787
James Hustan - Katherine Ewing 1787
1775 Single
Huston, Matthew
Huston, William
b. 1730
Mrs. Huston scalped 1778
1785, 1788, militia 1788, militia 1791
Hutchison, George
1779- 200 a. & 300 a 1781
Igo, Daniel
1779 - 50 a.
Igo, Peter
Irvine, James
Manor Hill Presby. Cem
Isop, Samuel
Jackson, George
*settled 1766
1779 - 100 a.
from Wilmington, Delaware
Jenkins (Jinkins), William
1785, 1788, militia 1788
Jervis, Henry
200 a. 1773 delinquent tax notice
1779 - 100 a.
1779 - 300 a.
1779 - 150 a.
Johnson, William
1779 - 200 a.
1785, Logan and West 1788, militia 1788, militia 1791
Kelvert, Franely
1775 Single
Kennedy, David
1775 , 1779
1788 assessment -Non-Resident Land adj. Manor land, 400 a., L
Kennedy, Francis
1775 Single
Kennedy, James
Kennedy (Kenedy), John
1779 - 100 a.
1785 , 1788, militia 1788
Kilpatrick, Robert
1775 Single
Kimber, James
1779 - 100 a.
Knight, James
1775 Single
Leonard (Lenard), James
militia 1791
Leonard, Robert
1785 Single, militia 1788, militia 1791
Leonard, Patrick
b. 1767, married Margaret Delaney Thompson and Sarah McCormick
1779 - 100 a.
1785 , Logan and West 1788
from Ireland
Lewis, David
Lewis, Elizabeth
Lewis, Joshua
1779 - 100 a.
Lewis, Joseph
Linn, James
land adjoined William Long
Lisle, John
1788, militia 1788
Little, James
1775 , 1779 - 300 a.
Little, John
esquire, captain 7th company 1777, 1788, Justice of Peace
1779 - 300 a.
1781, 1788
Lloyd, Henry
or Loyd, Esquire
1775, 1779 - 500 a.
Logue, John
militia 1788, militia 1791
Long, John
1788 single, militia 1788, militia 1791
Long, Joseph
near the Warm Springs
1779 - 200 a.
Long, Margaret
1788 to 1790
on Laurel run adj. to George Frey
Long, Thomas
1785, Logan and West 1788, militia 1788, militia 1791
Long, William
east side of stone creek
Long, William, Sr.
1775, 1779, 1781, Logan and West 1788
Long, William, Jr.
1779 - 300 a.
1781, militia 1788 militia 1791
went to Fairfield County, Ohio
Lowrey (Lowry), David
Lowry, James
warrant 1755 Frankstown, Indian Trader
Maffit, William
Robert Mofatt – Ann Ferguson 1790
1790 census
from Woodcock's Valley in Bedford
Martin, John
militia 1791
Maguire, Bartely
(McGuire, Bartholomew)
1779 - 80 a.
Maguire, Patrick
settled in West Township
1775 Single
McAlees, Daniel
-(McAleece, McAleise, McAlice, McEleese, McIllence, Mclllees)
Received 371 acres and 3 perches of SCM in 1760
18 year old James McAlees killed in 1778
1775, 1785, 1788, militia 1788, 1788 Assessment -(Manor), 125 a., W, 2 h., 1 h.c. militia, 1791
moved to Kentucky
McAlevy, William, Sr.
b. 1728,
(McElevy, McElvy, McIleavy)
1779 - 300 a.,1781, 1788, militia 1788
from Ireland
d. 1822
McAlevy, Mrs. William Huntingdon Gazette, July 9, 1808 Died the 1st inst., Mrs. McAlevy, consort of Capt. William McAlevy of Stone creek.
McCartney, Bartholomew
1788, militia 1788
McClellan , John
or McClelon, McClelan
b. 1719, married Margaret Cresswell
1788 , militia 1788, militia 1791
McCormick, Alexander, Sr.
b. 1732, m. Ann Henry. Had a fort during the revolution. d. 1807, married Ann Henry, daughter, Elizabeth, kidnapped by indigenous warriors in 1782
d. 1807 age 76
1775, 1779 - 300 a.,1781, 1785, Logan and West 1788
Ewing Cemetery
McCormick, Alexander, Jr.
d. 1837 , 2d lieutenant, Little's company 1777
1779 - 150 a.
McCormick, Samuel
1788 single and under age, militia 1788
McElheny, Robert
- (Earoney ,McElhiny, McElhiana, McElhinney Mcllheny, McAlheany)
militia 1791
McElheny William
Received 209 acres and 38 perches of SCM in 1760
1788 Assessment - (for Manor), 125 a., W, 2 h., 1 h.c.
1785, 1788, militia 1788, militia 1791
McElheny, William, Jr.
militia 1791
McElheny, Widow
1788 Assessment - 2 h., 1 h.c.
1781, 1788
McElheny John
1775 Single,1788 single, militia 1788
McGaffock, Benjamin
-(McGoffolk, Magafolk)
1788 Assessment - (Manor), 125 a., W, 2 h., 3 h.c.
1781, 1788
McGaw David
1779 - 200 a.
McGaw David
1779 - 200 a.
McGinnis , James
(Maginnis, McGinnes)
1775 ,1779 - 100 a.
McGinnis, John
1788 assessment -(for McMurtrie), 170 a.,W, 1 h., 1 h.c.
1788, militia 1788
McIlroy, James
militia 1791
McMahan, James
(Maghan, Mahan, Mahon, Maughan, McMaghen, McManon)
militia 1791
McMahan, Benjamin
m. daughter of Daniel McAleece
1788 assessment - 100 a., L
1785 Single, 1788, militia 1791
from Tuscarora Valley
McMahan, Benjamin, Jr.?
1788 single
McMahan, William, Sr.?
1788 assessment - 3 h., 3 h.c
1785, 1788
McMahan, William, Jr.
1788 single and underage, militia 1788
McMurtrie, David
1790 non resident, on Sheavers Creek
1779 - 600 a.
1781 ,
1773 delinquent tax notice 100 a.
McMullin, Peter
1775 Single
McNamar, John
1788 single, militia 1788
McRomarra, Morris
McNitt, John
June, 1760 improved land.
1779 - 200 a.
Means, Hugh
1779 - 100 a.
Michal, William
militia 1791
Miflin, Samuel
(Mifflin),1790 non-resident, at warm springs
1779 - 3,800 a.
Miller, Joseph
Miller, Richard
1785 , 1788, militia 1788, militia 1791
Minor, Jacob & Josiah
settled Harts Log Valley in 1767
Mitchell, John
(Mitchel) settled Harts Log Valley
1775 , 1779 - 50 a.
Mitchell, Samuel
militia 1788
Mobley , Ezekiel
or Moble
d. 1781
Molsbock, Peter
Montgomery, Alexander
(son of William)
militia 1791
Montgomery, William
(McGomery), (b. 1731, married Victoria Macpherson
)1788 assessment - (for Dewitt), 100 a., W, 1 h., 1 h.c.
1775 , 1788
from Ireland
went to New York
Moore, William
militia 1791
Moore, Robert
Bought 600 acres about 1770 near Manor Hill.
Morton, John
Mulholland, John
Myers, Jacob
1779 - 163 a.
Myers, Mical
or Miars
Neave, Richard and Co.
1773 delinquent tax notice - 900 a.
Nelson, Abraham
or Nilson
Received 254 acres and 9 perches of SCM in 1760
1788 assessment - (Manor), 125 a., W, 2 h., 2 h.c.
1779, 1781, 1788, miltia 1 788
Nelson, William, Sr.
1779 - 200 a.
1781, 1785, militia 1788 1788 ,1788 assessment -150 a., W
Nelson, William, Jr.
militia 1788
Nodish , Matthias
or Neidish?
militia 1791
Norman, James
1775 Single
O'burn, Daniel
or Obum, Hoborn
militia 1788
O'burn Joseph, Jr.?
Overseer of poor 1792
1785 Single, 1788 single , militia 1788, militia 1791
O'burn, Joseph Sr.?
served with McAlevy in the revolution, 1794 warrant 60 acres adjoing self, Steward Rowen on east side of west branch of Standing Stone Creek
1779- 200 a.
1781, 1785, 1788
from Delaware
Overholt, Abraham
During the American Revolution a Tory or Loyalist was used in for those who remained loyal to the British Crown.
United Empire Loyalists were Americans who remained loyal to King George III and the British Empire . They moved to Canada after the American Revolution.
Parker, William
Patterson, James
1779 - 600 a.
1779 - 200, 300, 300 a.
Philips, William
Captain in the Bedford County militia, contable 1790-adj to Joseph Oborn
Porter, James
1785, 1788, militia 1788, militia 1791
Porter, Samuel, Jr.?
militia 1791
Porter, Samuel, Sr.?
d, 1826, wife Jean
children: James, William, David, John, Mary Heas, Susannah Wilson;
William Ricketts witnessed will
1779 - 200 a.1785, 1788, militia 1788, militia 1791
Porter, William, Sr.?
constable 1789, Overseer of poor 1792
1779 - 150 a.
1781, 1788
from Ireland
Porter, William, Jr.
1785 Single, 1788 single, militia 1788, militia 1791
Potmercer, Adam, Jr.
Listed as "under arms in Bedford County against the United States" in 1778.
Potmercer, Peter
Prigmore, Joseph, m. Keziah Moore
b. 1750
1779 - 250 a.
from Middlesex, New Jersey
McMinn, Tennessee
Ralston, David
d. 1798,
1779 - 150 a.
1781, 1785, Logan and West 1788, militia 1791
from Ulster
Ralston, John
1785 Single, 1788 single, militia 1788, militia 1791
Raniston, John
militia 1791
Reed, John
1779 - 250 a.
Reeker, George
1775 Renter
Reynolds, George
1779 - 280 a.
Rhea, John
(Rushe, Rushea )
1779 - 900 a.
Ricketts, Charles
(Rickets, Rickits)
1793 warrant 100 acres adjoining Cox and Gregory and George Green
Ricketts, Cheney
(China, Cheany) assessment -(for Manor), 125 a., W, 3 h., 2 h.c.
1775, 1779, 1781, 1785, 1788
from Marylan d
went to Fairfield County, Ohio
Ricketts, Edward, Sr.
(1706-1786), married Mary Cheney.
1775 ,
from Marylan d
Ricketts, Edward,
1788 assessment -(for Manor), 125 a., W, 1 h., 1 h.c.
1785,1788, militia 1788 , militia 1791
Ricketts, Reason
son of Cheney, married Mary Long
went to Fairfield County, Ohio
Ricketts, Richard
b. 1738, settled in Franklin Townsip about 1789
Ricketts, Jeremiah
Son of Cheney Ricketts . Received 113 acres and 96 perches of SCM in 1760 adj Coxe's land
1779, militia 1788 , 1788 assessment - (for Manor), 125 a., W
1788 assessment - 100 a., I, 1 h., 1 h.c
from Maryland
Ricketts, John
son of Cheney Ricketts
1788 assessment -150 a., W, 2 h., 2 h.c.
1785, 1788, militia 1788 militia 1791
Ricketts, Reason (Reson)
son of Cheney
1788 assessment - 125 a., W, 2 h., 1 h.c.
1788, militia 1788 ,militia 1791
Ricketts, Thomas
Warrior's Mark Township
Thomas Rickets – Mary Whetzel 1792
Riddle, David
b. 1757, David, Robert and William were brothers
land adjoined William Long
1779 - 300 a.
went to Dauphin, Pennsylvania
Riddle, Robert
b. 1753, Elizabeth McConaughy 1788 assessment -200 a., W, 3 h., 3 h.c., 2 stills
1779 - 300 a.
1781, 1785, 1788 , militia 1788
Riddle, William
b. 1759
1788 assessment - 150 a., W
went to West Virginia
Riley, Barnabus
militia 1788
Robb, Jacob
married Martha, sold plantation in Barree in 1773 to William Ewing
Roberts, Joseph
Robinson, John
militia 1788
Rudy, Alexander
1779 - 300 a.1781
During the American Revolution a Tory or Loyalist was used in for those who remained loyal to the British Crown.
Seaburn, David
1788 single , militia 1788
Seaburn, George
Seaburn, Peter
militia 1788, 1788
Sells, Abraham
York County
went to Ontario Canada
Sells, John
Sells, Anthony
1775 Renter , 1779
was in Hagerstown, Maryland
Sells, Ludwicg
1775 Renter
1779 - 100 a.
b. Prince George's County, Maryland
d. in Franklin, Ohio
Sells, William, Dr
1779 - 200, 1,300, 1,000, 500, 200, 200, 300 a.)
Shaver, John
1779 - 50 a.
Shaver, Peter
settled West Township 1754
Shea, John
adj. to Robert Smith
1779 - 2,100, 200
Shea, John
adj. William McAlevy
Shields, Thomas
1779 - 150 a.
Shippen, Joseph
Shirley, James
son of William
1775 Renter
Shirley, William
b. about 1730, wife Margaret Johnson, widow of William
from Frederick County, Maryland
Sinkey (Sankey, Sinky), William
b. about 1745
militia 1788, militia 1791
from England
Sinky, Richard
brother of William. lived on Standing Stone Creek
1788 assessment -(John Agnew), 300 a., W, 2 h., 1 h.c.
1788, militia 1791
from England
Skidmore, Joshua
1779 - 100 a.
Smith, Ezekiel
1779 - 300 a.
Smith, James
1779 - 400 a.1781
Smith, John
militia 1788
Smith, Robert, Sr.
b. 1732, esquire
1779 - 200 a.
1781, 1785, 1788, militia 1788
went to Fleming, Kentucky
Smith, William
1779 - 200, 1,300, 1,000, 500, 200, 300, 190
Spencer, John
Captain 1st Co., settled Harts Log Valley
Spencer, James
b. 1788, married Ruth Green
Stephenson, Robert
(Decd) 1781
Stewart, James
1775 Single
Stoops, William
militia 1788
Sullivan, John
1775 Single
Swope, Peter
Talbott, Widow
(Talbot,Torbit, Turbit), Received 196 acres and 106 perches of SCM in 1760
went to Sullivan County, Tennessee
Talbott, Hugh
1779 - 100 a
Talbott, John
1779 - 250 a.
1781 ,
deceased 1788
Taylor, John
on Globe Run
1779 - 300, 200 a.
Teaburn, Philip
100 a. - 773 delinquent tax notice
Templeton, William
1775 Single
Thompson, Adam
1779 - 100 a.1781
Thompson, David
1785, 1788, militia 1788
Thompson, Isaac
on Stone Creek
1779 - 150 a.
Thompson, James
b. 1754, letter at post office 1807, m. Jane Caldwell
Thompson, Widow
Thompson,, Isaac
1788 assessment -Non-Resident Land100 a., Imp.
Thompson, Thomas
Tipton, Edward
Titis, Daniel
1775 Single
Titis, John
Tooder, Thomas
1775 Renter
Tornton, John
1775, 1779
Travis (Travesh), William
Tue, Benjamin
1779 - 500 a.
Turner, Josiah
Van, Thomas
Van Devender, Mathias
Vandevender, Vandivender, Vanderider,
1788 ,
1788 assessment -(Manor), 50 a., W, 2 h., 2 h.c.
Van Devender, Peter
1779 - 80 a.
Wallace, Samuel
1779 - 500 a.
487 acres in Cumberland, on the Heads of Shaver Run; 8900 in Barree; 300 in Coleraine; 1500 in Bedford, at the Coves; 500 in Ditto, on Frank Town Waters; 250 in Ditto, Chestnut hill; 100 in Fermenagh, on Cockolamus Creek; 200 in Rye, adjoining David English; and 700 in Armagh, adjoining William Brown; 41 1 2.1773 delinquent tax notice
Ward, Edward (for McMurtrie)
1785, Logan and West 1788
Wason (Wasson), Robert
Received 161 acres and 142 perches of SCM in 1760
1781, 1785, 1788, militia 1788 ,
1788 assessment - (for Manor), 125 a., W, 2 h., 2 h.c.
Werton, George
1775 Single
Weston, John, Sr.
settled 1765, captain of Tory plot
Weston, Thomas
b. 1756, in Warrior's Mark, married Mary Graffius
White, Anthony
White, Jacob
1775 Single
White, John
1788 single
Wilirick (Ulrich?), Hans
Williams, James
1775 Single, 1785 , militia 1791
Williams, John
1775 Single
Williams, Joshua
militia 1791
Williamson, Joshua
militia 1788
Wilson, James
1775, 1785, militia 1788
Logan and West 1788
Wilson, David
d. 1792
militia 1788, militia 1791
Wilson, George
Esquire, married Margery Caldwell d. Robert
1785, militia 1788, Logan and West 1788
Wilson, John, Sr.
b. about 1730 m. Mary Beckenbaugh
1781, 1785, militia 1788 Logan and West 1788
from Frederick, Maryland
Wilson, John, Jr.
militia 1788
Wilson, Joshua
1785, Single 1788 single, militia 1788, militia 1791
Wilson, William
1790 non-resident-land on Sheavers Creek
Wilson, William
1781, 1785 , Logan and West 1788
Woods, Moses
1788 assessment -Non-Resident Landon the head-waters of Shaver's Creek , 100 a., L
Wolson, Thomas
Ensign in Spencer's Co.
Young, John
1785, 1788, militia 1788
©Roberta Tuller 2023
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