
An American Family History

Frogg Family

  also spelled Frog  
Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania was established on September 20, 1787 as a large region of Central Pennsylvania. It was previously part of Bedford County and the earlier Cumberland Region.

Boston Frogg was born about 1740. He was the son of John Frogg and Elizabeth Strother.

Baltzer Frogg (1760,)

Susannah Frogg (1774, married Joseph Barlow)
Elizabeth Frogg (1780)

1783 Boston Frog. Frogs Forrest, 103 acres. BA Pipe Creek Hundred, p. 4. MSA S 1161-2-14    1/4/5/45

Baltzer Frog was in the 1785 tax list of Barree Township, Bedford County

The 1786 Barree, Bedford Co unty, Pennsylvaniatax records shows that Boston Frog missed a payment.

John and Boston were in the 1786 Pennsylvani Septennial Census in Barree, Bedford ounty.

In 1788, John Frog was in Little's Company.

Sebastian Frog sold 125 acres in Barree to John Cotton in 1789

In the 1790 Maryland census Boston Frog was living in Patapsco Lower Hundred, Baltimore, Maryland. 

2 white males under 16,
1 white male over 16
7 white females all ages.

In 1810, John Frog (over 45 years old ) was in Soldiers Delight Hundred in Baltimore County, Maryland




William Frogg

John Frogg (1766 in Greenbriar, Virginia, married Lucretia Bailes)

John Stuart born 1749 married Agatha Lewis, widow of John Frogg in 1778 in Virginia.








Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2025
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