from Pennsylvania, Oyer and Terminer Court Papers, 1757-1787
The Grand Inquest for out Sovereign Lord the King that is now is for the Body of the County of Philadelphia upon their Oath and Affirmation respectively
do present that Joseph Simmers of the County of Philadelphia aforesaid Yeoman
and having the fear of God before his Eyes but being moved and seduced by the Instigations of the Devil the twentieth day of July in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy two [1772] at Philadelphia County aforesaid
and within the Jurisdiction of this Court with force and arms he in and upon a certain Patrick Lockart in the peace of God and of our said Lord the King then
and there being feloniously & willfully an Assault did make
and the said Joseph Simmers with both the hands of him the said Joseph the said Patrick Lockart in and upon the head Breast & Private parts of him the said Joseph with both the hands of him the said Joseph in the manner aforesaid several mortal bruises of which said several mortal bruises he the said Patrick then and there did instantly did die
and so the Inquest aforesaid upon there on the and affirmation aforesaid respectively do say that the said Joseph Simmers in manner and form aforesaid the said Patrick Lockart of the County aforesaid feloniously and willfully did kill and slay against the peace of our said Lord the King his Crown & Dignity
Andrew Allen Atty Gen
All these Witnesses sworn before me to give Evidence the ?
John Lawrence
Joseph Butler
Rebecca Butler
Mary Lockart
William Perdie [Purdy]
John Darling
Joshua Yerkes
James Glover
Mary Yerkes
John Foster
Grace Yerkes