
An American Family History


The Patrick Lockhart Murder

July 20, 1772
Manor of Moreland
The Manor of Moreland was composed of a tract of ten thousand acres, and was created, in 1682, by a grant from William Penn to Dr. Nicholas More. Most of the Manor was in Philadelphia County, but is now Moreland Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.

A yeoman was a man who owned and cultivated a small farm. He belonged to the class below the gentry or land owners. A husbandman was a free tenant farmer. The social status of a husbandman was below that of a yeoman.

from Pennsylvania, Oyer and Terminer Court Papers, 1757-1787

The Grand Inquest for out Sovereign Lord the King that is now is for the Body of the County of Philadelphia upon their Oath and Affirmation respectively

do present that Joseph Simmers of the County of Philadelphia aforesaid Yeoman

and having the fear of God before his Eyes but being moved and seduced by the Instigations of the Devil the twentieth day of July in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy two [1772] at Philadelphia County aforesaid

and within the Jurisdiction of this Court with force and arms he in and upon a certain Patrick Lockart in the peace of God and of our said Lord the King then

and there being feloniously & willfully an Assault did make

and the said Joseph Simmers with both the hands of him the said Joseph the said Patrick Lockart in and upon the head Breast & Private parts of him the said Joseph with both the hands of him the said Joseph in the manner aforesaid several mortal bruises of which said several mortal bruises he the said Patrick then and there did instantly did die

and so the Inquest aforesaid upon there on the and affirmation aforesaid respectively do say that the said Joseph Simmers in manner and form aforesaid the said Patrick Lockart of the County aforesaid feloniously and willfully did kill and slay against the peace of our said Lord the King his Crown & Dignity

Andrew Allen Atty Gen

All these Witnesses sworn before me to give Evidence the ?

John Lawrence

Joseph Butler
Rebecca Butler
Mary Lockart
William Perdie [Purdy]
John Darling
Joshua Yerkes
James Glover
Mary Yerkes
John Foster
Grace Yerkes

To be presented to the court of law meant to be charged or indicted.
George III ruled Great Britain from October 25, 1760 to January 29, 1820.


The King against Joseph Simmers who being charged by Inquisition of Being the occasion of the Death of Patrick Lockart in the Manor of Moorland on the Twentieth Day of July last past

Witnesseseth each Bound in Recognizance of Fifty Pounds to be and appear before the justices of General Goal Deliver at the next Court of Oyers and Terminer to be held for the jury of Philada and then there Deliver and setforth their Knowledge touching the Death of Patrick Lockart and do not Depart thence without License of sd court

Samuel Erwin

Mary Lockart of Moreland
Joseph Butler of Moreland Cordwainer
Rebecca Butler of Moreland wife to Joseph Butler
William Purdy of Moreland Taylor
John Durling of Moreland Taylor Apprentice to Purdy
Joshua Yerkas of Moreland Yeoman
Grace Yerkas of Moreland wife to Joshua Yerkas
James Glover of Moreland Weaver
Mary Yerkas of Moreland single
John Foster of Moreland cooper Apprentice to David Fulton
David Fulton of Moreland Miller Bound in Ten Pounds for the Apearance of his Apprentice John Foster

American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (or li) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency. Encyclopedia of British and Early American Coins


Philada County

An inquisition inden? Taken in the Manor of Moorland in the County aforsd the twentieth Day of July in the year of our Lord 1772 Before Samuel Erwin one of the his Majesties Justices for the County Aforsd upon the View of the Body of Patrick Lockhard then & there

Lying dead upon the oaths and affirmations of Thomas Austin, Silas Yerkes, Jacob Tompkins John Nesmith John Tompkins, James Fulton John Galloway Elisha Thomas Josiah Hart William Littlejohn, John Moore John Littlejohn

Good and Lawfull men of the County aforsd who being sworn & affirmed & charge to Enquire and that of our sd Lord the King then where, how and after what Manner the said Patrick Lockhard came to his Death Do say that was by an Accidental Blow or Shake given him by Joseph Simmers on the Side of the head they being fighting with Each other on the day aforesaid

In Witness whereof as well the aforsd Samuel Erwin Esq. as the juror above to have to his Inquisition Putt their seals on the Day and Year aforsd and on the Place aforesd.

Samuel Erwin

Tho. Austin
John Galloway
Silas Yerkes
Jacob Tompkin
Elisha Thomas
John Nesmith
Josiah Hart
William Littlejohn
John Tompkins
Jno Fulton
John Moore
John Littlejohn




land sale
17 Sep 1783
The Freeman's Journal or The North-American Intelligencer 
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania






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Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
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Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

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