
An American Family History

Causine Family

  Also spelled: Cawsin, Cossin, Causoon, Causen, Coksute, Causeen, Causeene  
Maryland was established with religious freedom for Catholics. The colonial economy was based on tobacco cultivated by Africans who had been enslaved.

Nicholas Causine was born about 1608 in France.

He married Jane Hicks Cockshutt. She was the widow of John Cockshutt. John and Jane's children included:

Mary Cockshutt (1631, married Henry Adams) and
Jane Cockshutt (1640, married Thomas Matthews, John Breade, and Thomas Hussey).

They came to America in 1641.

John died in 1642

Aug. 30, 1649
Jane wife of Nicholas Cawsin late widow of John Cockshott demanded 2000 acres for Mary & Jane Cockshott her children by said John, due said John for transporting self & 7 persons in 1642, per Robert Clarke (surveyor.)
Warrant for Patowmeck River between Cedar Point & head of Port Tobacco Creek.
Source: Maryland Land Office, Patent Records, Liber 2, pp. 506-7.

Jane gave the rights to 1,000 acres of John's land to Nicholas. The remainder she gave to daughters.

Nicholas and Jane's children included:

Ignatius Causine (1644) and
Nicholas Causine (1646/47).

Oct 25 1649 Laid out for Mary and Jane Cockshott a parcell of land lyeing on the East side of Patomeck River bounding on the north with the land of Nicholas Causine, Conteyning and nowe laid out for twelue hundred Acres more or lesse

Nicholas died in February, 1652/53 

After he died, his widow, Jane, married Robert Clarke.

Jane died in 1662.


American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (or li) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency. Encyclopedia of British and Early American Coins


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from Charles County Circuit Court Liber E, Page 49

Declaration of Citizenship: Ignatius Causine, son of Nicholas Causine, a subject of France; born at the house of his father in St. George River of an English mother; holding lands by descent from mother.


11 Jun 1695:
Causine, Ignatius,Portobacco,
Chas. Co., 4th May, 1695; 11th June, 1695.
To 3 sons, viz., Ignatius, John, and William, equally, 1700 A., Causine's Manor; division to be made at majority of eld. son Ignatius.
To dau. Jane, personalty, and in event of her marrying a man not having land to be given 150 A. from Causine's Manor afsd.
To wife Jane, extx., 1/3 of personalty; residue to be divided among 4 child. afsd.; sd. wife to have charge of child. during minority.
Overseers: Brother Thomas Clarke and cous. Francis Greene.
Test: Marke Lampton, Geo. Leete, Jno. Watkins, Cleborne Lomax. 7. 93.


from Abstracts of Chancery Court Records of Maryland, 1669-1782 by Debbie Hooper,
28 Oct 1721: Charles Co.
Depositions taken regarding a parcel of land lying in Charles Co. containing 170 ac. in possession of Philip Hoskins, Esq., deceased;
and upon his death in possession of Oswald Hopkins, now deceased, brother of Bennett Hopkins, a minor.

(1) William Thompson, age ca. 66, that John Cockshutt came into this county with his wife and 2 children and had rights for 2200 ac.
Cockshutt died before he put up rights in execution.
His widow later married Nicholas Causoon, reputed to be a French man, and said widow gave her husband Causoon rights to 1000 ac. of above mentioned land.
The remainder she gave to her 2 daughters, Mary and Jane Corkshutt (also referred to as Ann and Jeane).
Nicholas Causoon died and left his widow and one son named Ignatius Causoon. Afterwards, his widow married a surveyor, John (or Robert?) Clark and shortly after died. Her son took possession of his father's lands.
This deponent was married to Bennett Hoskins mother's sister and has a tract of land lying contigous. (Liber CL, p. 706).


Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Port Tobacco: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 303-8:
28 Sep 1748: Ccauseen Manor:
1000 acres ; Possession of - 1000 Acres - Reeves, Upgett (?):
Surveyed 15 Aug 1649 for Nicholas Causeen & patent in the name of Ignatius Causeen the son of said Nicholas on the East side Potomac river at the mouth of St. Thomas Creek.:
Conveyance notes - 80 Acres - Richard Molynena from Thomas Hezekiah Reeves; 11 Jan 1748, 135 Acres - Thomas Reeves from Hezekiah Reeves; 28 Sept 1748. 1642-1753


Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
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Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
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Jewish Immigrants

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