
An American Family History

Harris Family

Charles County, Maryland
Maryland was established with religious freedom for Catholics. The colonial economy was based on tobacco cultivated by Africans who had been enslaved.

According to Dr. Lois Green Carr's files:

Thomas Harris,. immigrated to Maryland with his wife, Anne. On August 30, 1650, he demanded 300 acres for transporting himself, his wife, and his servant, John Hamlington. He had 300 acres in Piccowaxen Hundrew called Harris or Harrisons Island, patent 1651.

Thomas died in 1654.

Ann received ½ moveable property and ⅓ dower rights to the land.

Piccowaxen Parish, Maryland was on Cobb Neck between the Wicomico and Potomac Rivers. It has been spelled as Pickawaxon, Pickiawaxen, Pickwaten, Pickwixon, Pykawaxen in Douglas family records. Christ Church Wayside was built there in 1692.The parish became William and Mary Parish.

The first European settlements in Maryland were made in 1634 when English settlers created a permanent colony.

Thomas Harris (abt 1654-1686) in Charles County. He was a planter in Charles County. He inherited 300 acres from his father when he reached his majority and half of the moveable property. He was to use some to support a minister. Thomas was a constable.

Thomas and Mary Harris's children included:
Thomas Harris (abt 1674),
Bathsheba Harris Ratcliff (1670, married John Ratcliff),
Mary Harris

After Thomas died in 1686, Mary married Richard Land.

In 1680 Henry Bonner witnessed an indenture between Thomas Harris and Ralph Smith in Charles County, Maryland.

Colonial Maryland used the headright system to encourage settlement. Land was granted to anyone who would pay fthe transportation costs of a laborer.

  Thomas Harris (abt 1674-1733) married Martha Sansbury.  

John Harris (1708) married Catherine Musgrove.

Their children included:
Colonel Thomas Harris (1741, married Ann Gwinn)

After John died Catherine married Joseph Douglas.



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Harris, Thomas,
St. Mary's Co.
28 March 1654
To wife Anne, dower rights in land during life
To Only son Thomas, lands at majority Personalty to be equally divided between wife and son, afsd. Shoud sd son Thomas die under age or with out issue, estate to be used for the maintenance of church or school.
Overseers: Frances Pope, Wm Marshall, Robert Handley.
Test: Robert Robins, Wm Woofurd
Testis (Test) is latin for witness. Testes is the plural.

Maryland Prerogative Court, Testamentary Proceedings, Liber 13, p. 343.

Harriss, Thomas,
30th Feb., 1684; 19th July, 1686.
To daus. Bathsheba and Mary, personalty.
To son Thomas at 19 yrs. of age, land (unnamed)
To unborn child if a son, personalty; if dau., 20 A. (unnamed).
To wife Mary, extx., dower rights.
Test: Chas. Musgrave, Henry Hagen, Mary Owsey, Edw. Gattly.

May 14, 1686
Exhibited will of Thomas Harris (planter, Charles Co.), constituting Mary executrix. Said Mary married Richard Land, and is now deceased. Said Land was granted administration. Humphrey Warren to administer oath.

Sep. 20, 1686
Captain Warren (Charles Co.) exhibited oath of Richard Land administrator of Thomas and Mary Harris.
Securities (Charles Co.): Joseph Cornell, William Hawton.
Maryland Prerogative Court, Testamentary Proceedings, Liber 1, p. 415.

Thomas & Mary Harriss
9.192 I Charles County £173.17.4
Nov 23 1686
Appraisers: John Corts (also John Courts), Ralph Smith.

Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2024
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