He married Jane Cornish. Jane had been married before to Edward Robins. Their children and life together are described in detail in the section on Edward Robins.
George's children may have included:
Mary Puddington
(1642, married Robert Franklin),
Jane Puddington (1645)
Comfort Puddington (1648)
On July 15, 1647, Richard Robins of Long Buckby in Northampton, County
England gave power of attorney to his "welbeloved Sister-in-Law Jane [Cornish Robins] Puddington."
George and Jane Puddington immigrated in 1649 to America with Elizabeth Robins, Mary Puddington, Comfort Puddington, Thomas Hippesty, John Burrage, & Margaret Joye (Gibb)
The Puddingtons were Protestant and George was elected to the Assembly in 1650.
Upon the urgent request made in person by Governor Stone the Puritans at last yielded, and in his presence the freemen unanimously chose George Puddington and William Cox, two of their brethren, to represent them and sent them down in a boat to the seat of government at St. Mary's (from A Puritan Colony in Maryland By Daniel Richard Randall)
In 1663, he was granted the 500 acres of Puddington's Harbour. He also owned Puddington's Gift and West Puddington in Anne Arundel County. Robert and Elizabeth (widow of John Freeman) Proctor and Elizabeth sold him Freeman's property.
When Puddington's Harbor was sold in 1791 the advertisement said
The land is beautifully situated on the road leading from Upper -Marlborough to Annapolis, within one mile of the South River binding on a creek which abounds with fine fish also part of a tract of land called Puddington or Puddington's Harbour lying on the South River, and distant from the above land about one mile.. . (The Maryland Gazette, Annapolis, Maryland, 14 Apr 1791, Thu, Page 3)
George Puddington died in 1674 in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
In his will he remembered:
stated relationship
my Brother or Sisters Children
nieces or nephews
if they come to America in 2 years their passage would be paid and they would receive 10,000 lbs of tobacco
from The Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Counties, Maryland by Joshua Dorsey Warfield
Captain George Puddington
Honored as one of the first Commissioners under Edward Lloyd and unanimously named as one of the first legislators of 1650, Captain George Puddington took at once a foremost place in the new county.
Of his wife, the following record from the Virginia Magazine of History, is of interest:
. . .Jane, the wife of George Puddington, a member of the Maryland Assembly, from Anne Arundel County in 1650, was a sister-in-law of Colonel Obedience Robins.
Captain Puddington took up Puddington Harbor, Puddington Gift, and West Puddington.
In 1667, he was an associate justice of Anne Arundel. He left no son. His will was probated by Colonel William Burgess, in 1674.
Captain Edward Burgess, named for his grandfather, Colonel Edward Robins, was Captain Puddington's residuary legatee. The sons-in-law of Captain Puddington were Ex-Sheriff Robert Francklyn; Hon. Richard Beard, the surveyor; and grandson Neal Clarke. All named in his will as follows:
son-in-law Robert Francklyn; to each of my son Richard Beard's children; to each of my grandson Neal Clark's children; to George Burgess, William Burgess and Susanna, children of Captain William Burgess, legacies. My loving wife Jane, and Edward Burgess the rest of my estate.
Testis (Test) is latin for witness. Testes is the plural.
A Biographical Dictionary of the Maryland Legislature 1635-1789 by Edward C. Papenfuse, et. al.
Puddington, George (?-1674).
probably in England.
Immigrated: in 1649/50 as
a free adult with wife and two daughters from
Northampton County, Virginia.
Resided: in Virginia by 1640-1649/50; South River, Anne Arundel County, ca. 1650-death.
Married Jane (last
name unknown). She was called the "sister-in-
law" of Richard Robins.
Mary; Comfort.
Puddington's will names his "son"
Richard Beard (?-1681), "grandson" Neale Clarke,
and "son-in-law" Robert Franklin.
Education: literate.
Religious Affiliation: Protestant, with Puritan leanings.
Social status and activities: Mr., on first appearance
in Maryland records.
Occupational Profile:
planter, merchant.
Public career, legislative service:
Lower House, Providence (Anne Arundel County), 1650-1650/51
(Accounts 1; Laws 1),
Anne Arundel County, 1663-1664.
Local office: justice, Anne Arundel County, 1650, 1663/
64-1674 (quorum, 1668-1674).
Wealth: rights to 800
acres; owned 100 acres in Northampton County,
Virginia, by 1645.
owned over 1,500 acres in Anne Arundel County, by 1663.
Wealth at death. Died: will probated September
24, 1674.
Personal property: TEV, at least
116,735 pounds of tobacco (including 4 servants).
Land: probably over 1,500 acres.
... 24 Septembris Came William Burgess of Ann Arundell County Gent. and Exhibited the lat Will and Testament of George Puddington Lat of the Same County deceased....
In the name of God Amen The fifteenth day of August in the year of our Lord God One Thousand six hundred Seaventy and four, [1774] I George Puddington of South River in Ann Arundell County in the Province of Maryland... Declare this my Last Will and Testament ....
Item my will is that if two of my near Relacons my Brother or Sisters Children their name not known by me do Come into this country within Two Years time from the Date here of that their and Each of their passage be paid and fully satisfied out of my Estate which I freely give them. Also I give unto Each of them if they Come into this Country Tenn Thousand Pounds of Tobacco to be likewise paid out of my Estate within Twelve months next after my Decease.
Item I do by these present freely and Clearly acquitt Exonerate and Discharge my Loving Son in Law Robert Franklin his heirs Executors and Admrs from all Dues Debts and Demands whatsoever due at anytime or times unto me from the beginning of the world unto the day of the Date hereof.
Item I give and bequeath unto George Burgess Wm Burgess and Susanna Burgess Sons & Daughters to Capt Wm Burgess fifty Shillings Sterling a piece to buy Each of them a peece of plate to be delivered unto them and Each of Them in twelve months time after my Decease.
Item I give & bequeath unto my kinsman James Chilsott one able Servant or the vallue thereof in Tobacco to be paid within twelve months next after my decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto my Kinsman Augustin Skinner one Cow to be delivered unto him withing twelve months next after my decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto Each of my Son Richard Beards Children which are now Liveing Twenty Shillings Sterl. a piece to be delivered unto Each of them within twelve months next after my decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto Each of my Grand Son Neal Clarks Children which are now Liveing Twenty Shilling Sterling a piece to be Delivered unto Each of them within Twelve months next after my Decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto my Loving wife Jane Puddington fourty Pounds Sterling per annum for her maintenance during her natural Life to be paid at Such time and place yearly in London as she shall think most meet or Else Eight Thousand Pounds of Tobacco per annum to be paid in this Countrey according to her orders provided she Renounce and disclaim all the Right Title Interest She hath by the Law Either in my personall or Reall Estate and deliver the Same up to my Execr when required, my will also is that if any of the above mentioned Legatees depart this Life before the time of their Seals and Respective payments that then the Said Legacyes of the Parties So Deceasing Return unto my heir or Executor hereafter named
Ulto I give and bequath unto Edward Burgess Son to Capt Wm Burgesse his heir and assignes for Ever all the remaining part of my Estate both Reall and Personall and Do nominate Constitute and appoint him the Said Edward Burgesse to be the Sole Executor of this my Will:
In Testimony whereof I have here unto Sett and putt my hand and Seal the day and year above written.
Signed Sealed & published
George Puddington
Sealed in th presence of us his Nath. Heathcoate Willme Laus Charity Stone mark John Broome Wm Burgesse
Tobacco is a native American herb that is cultivated for its leaves which are prepared for smoking, chewing or snuff. In parts of colonial America, it was used as money. Tobacco plantations in the colonial south fueled the need for enslaving people.