from The Genealogical and Encyclopedic History of the Wheeler Family in America by Albert Gallatin Wheeler, American College of Genealogy
John Wheeler. He is the only original ancestor of the Maryland branch of the family of whom anything is known definitely. The time of his immigration and the place in Virginia to which he immigrated are matters of conjecture. The Maryland Archives show that a John Wheeler "denizated" in Maryland in the year 1662. . .
John Wheeler next appears in the Land Records of Maryland, Liber 5, folio 400, where it is recorded that Wheeler's Choice was surveyed for him on Aug. 23, 1662, and patented to him July 10, 1663. This property was situated in Charles County and consisted, according to the record of survey, of 400 acres. He was first a captain and then a major in the Maryland Militia of Charles County. Archives of Maryland, vol. 2, p. 551 states that he was granted 2000 lbs. of tobacco for services, he being mentioned at this time as "Captain."
In Council Proceedings, Maryland Archives vol. 7, p. 79, A. D. 1681, Major John Wheeler petitions for an allowance of charges in suing out mandamus on certain land. It is recorded in the Proceedings of the General Assembly, Oct. and Nov. 1683, Archives vol. 7, p. 611, that John Wheeler of Charles County was appointed Commissioner for Port Towns. In Council Proceedings for 1685 (Archives vol. 7, p. 386) Major John Wheeler is named Justice for Charles County, and (ibid. vol. 8, p. 7) the same person was appointed Commissioner of Court in Charles County in 1687. In proceedings of the General Assembly for 1689 Major John Wheeler is spoken of as belonging to the militia of Charles County. . .
It. I give unto my Grandson James Wheeler the son of my son James Wheeler deceased to him his heirs forever two hundred acres of land itt being another part of the five hundred acres aforesd beginning at the end of John Wheelers aforesd .
It. I give and bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Ann Wheeler the daughter of my son James Wheeler deceased one hundred acres of land it being the remainer part of the five hundred acres of land called Wheelers purchase the other fore hundred to be given to John Wheeler & James Wheeler to her and her heirs forever alsoe I give to my Gran Daughter Ann Wheeler one hundred and sixty five acres of land cauld Wheelers delight & if the sd. Ann Wheeler should dye without heirs of the body lawfully begotten therm to fall to Richard Wheeler the son of my son Thomas and his heirs forever together with one filey to be delivered at my death . . .
John Wheeler, born 1654.
James Wheeler, born Dec. 16, 1656.
Mary Wheeler, born March 22, 1658.
Thomas Wheeler, born March 18, 1660.
Winnifred Wheeler, born March, 1663.
Ignatius Wheeler, born May, 1665.
Francis Wheeler.
James Wheeler, son of John (9000). Born Dec. 16, 1656. He died before Nov. 11, 1693, the date of his father's will in which his children are spoken of as the children of "my son James Wheeler deed."
He married Katherine, who after his decease married for her second husband, Moses Jones. Children: (mentioned in their grandfather's will.)