from Records of Littleton
The tradition that "8 Brothers came early to America from England" is supposed to be a verity in the Barrett family. They were:
John of Taunton who is supposed to have left no issue.
Thomas who settled first at Braintree and removed to Chelmsford.
Humphrey who settled in Concord.
Thomas Barrett and wife Margaret removed from Braintree to Chelmsford where he d. Oct. 6, 1668. She d. July 6 1681.
Had the following children and probably others:
Thomas m. Sept 14 1655 Frances Woolderson, removed from Braintree to Chelmsford about 1660, where he d. Dec 8 1702. She d. 1694.
John m. Sarah, he d. Sept 5 1694.
Joseph m. Sept. 17 1672 Martha, dau. Francis and Rose Gould of Chelmsford. She d. May 15 1698, he m. 2d Abigail who d. Dec. 30 1729. He d. Dec. 17 1711.
Children of Joseph and (1) Martha (Gould) and (2) Abigail Barrett:
Rebecca b. July 4 1673, m. Dec. 16 1696 Walter Powers Jr.
Martha d. 1678.
Margaret b. Apr. 28 1683, m. 1703 Ebenezer Robbins.
Mirriam b. Apr. 29 1686, m. probably Josiah Whitney and removed to Hardwick.
Abigail b. Oct. 11 1697.
Esther b. Apr. 17 1699.
Ephraim b. Sept. 15 1700, m. Oct. 8 1735 Rachel Shed of Billerica.
Eleazer d. 1708.
Ebenezer b. 1706 d. Dec. 22 1729.
Children of John and Sarah Barrett:
John b. in Braintree, m. 1679 Dorothy Proctor or Parker of Chelmsford.
Lydia b. 1659, m. Apr 11 1678 James Harwood, removed to Littleton.
Samuel b. June 16 1661, m. 1683 Sarah, dau. William Buttrick. Children: Samuel, Sarah and perhaps others. He may have resided in Nashoba and had children before the incorporation of Littleton.
Mary b. 1662-3, Mar. 16.
Margaret b. 1667 d. 1681.
One John Barrett and wife Margaret were in Littleton and probably had these children before the incorporation of the town (she d. 1760, he d. 1766 or 7):
John m. May 24 1738 Martha Heald of Acton. 8 children, of whom Jonathan, the 5th, b. in Chelmsford Oct 27 1746, m. Mar. 28 1771 Abigail Raymond, removed to Ashby.
Sarah m. 1735 John Bridges, who was b. in Rowley June 10 1715. Both d. 1790. , for which see pp. 6, 8, 11, 13, 19.
One Benj" Barrett m. Sept 23 1746 Thankful Proctor of Chelmsford.
One Ben Barrett m. June 18 1705 Hannah Foster of Chelmsfordor Elizebeth Gould (same day).
One Sam1 Barrett m. pub. in Acton to Sarah Holden about 1750.
Moses Barrett m. Nov 11 1742 Hannah Proctor of Chelmsford.
Sarah Barrett m. Dec 17 1700 Geo Glazer of Lancaster.
One W'" Barrett and Sarah (probably Buttrick) had children b. in Littleton: Nathaniel m. Abigail, resided in Groton, had Reuben b. 1750, Isaac b. 1752.
One Josiah Barrett d. Jan. 27 1712.
One Josiah Barrett m. Dill, and 1737 went to Lambstown.