King Philip’s War was a bloody and costly series of raids and skirmishes in 1675 and 1676 between the Native American people and the colonials. King Philip was the Native American leader Metacom.
John Pratt was born in 1655 in Malden, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. He was a mariner.
His wife was named Mary.
Their children probably included:
John Pratt, Thomas Pratt (1699, married Mary Davis Lewis),
Ebenezer Pratt,
Joseph Pratt,
William Pratt,
Caleb Pratt,
Joshua Pratt,
Mary Pratt,
Hannah Pratt and
Abigail Pratt.
In 1675 he was a soldier of King Philip's War. He served under Captain William Turner and took part in the Battle of Turner's Falls.
John died before June 22, 1708 and his wife Mary died on July 17, 1710.
The Battle of Turner's Falls (Peskeompscut massacre) was on May 19, 1676. It marked a turning point in King Philip’s War.
The Genealogy of the Worthington Family
John Pratt married, August 10, 1676, Mary Andrews, and had six children.
I. Mary Pratt, born May 24, 1677.
II. Martha Pratt, born January 16. 1679.
III. Daniel Pratt, born January 13, 1680.
IV. Jonathan Pratt, born December, 1682.
V. Hannah Pratt, born June 14. 1688.
VI. John Pratt, born March 19, 1691.
from Genealogical and Personal Memoirs, Volume 3 edited by William Richard Cutter
John Pratt, of Malden, late alderman of that borough town, died July 30, 1619, leaving twenty pounds to his minister, Mr. Hunsden, of the parish of All Saints, ten pounds to the minister of St. Mary's parish, and ten pounds each to the poor of the parishes of All Saints, St. Mary's and St. Peter's. The remainder of his property he devised and bequeathed chiefly to kinsmen, and in amount it was a goodly sum.
from Genealogical and Personal Memoirs, Volume 3 edited by William Richard Cutter
John Pratt, son of John Pratt, was born in Malden, Essex, England, and was baptized there June 29, 1615.
He came to America about the year 1638. settled in what became Malden in New England and died there in 1691.
His wife's name was Mary, and she bore him seven children:
John [1655],
Martha and
from Genealogical and Personal Memoirs, Volume 3 edited by William Richard Cutter
John Pratt, son of John and Mary Pratt, was born in Malden in 1655 and was a mariner. He was a soldier of King Philip's war, serving under Captain William Turner and took part in the falls fight at Hadley, and for his service in that war his son Thomas about sixty years afterward had land granted him in Bernardston. John Pratt died before June 22, 1708. and his wife Mary died July 17, 1710, having borne him ten children:
Hannah and
In 1688, during theGlorious Revolution, the Protestant king and queen,William and Mary, took the English throne from Catholic King James II. The bloodless revolution profoundly impacted the American colonies.
from New England Families, Genealogical and Memorial edited by William Richard Cutter
Ensign John Pratt, son of Lieutenant William Pratt was born February 20, 1644. He first settled on lands in the old parish of Saybrook, given him by his father about 1672. When his father died the homestead on Essex Point fell to him, 1678, and he removed to the latter place. He was a large landholder in Saybrook and also in Hebron, Connecticut.
He was a blacksmith by occupation and his shop was located near the spot now occupied for the same purpose by a descendant. He often appears on the records as ''Ensign," more often as "Sergeant," to distinguish him from another of the same name. He was a man of some distinction and represented his town several times in the general assembly.
He married, June 8, 1669, Sarah, daughter of Thomas Jones, of Guilford.
He died in the year 1726. The inventory of his estate was presented August 31, 1726, and amounted to one hundred and nineteen pounds, sixteen shillings, three pence.
Children, born at Saybrook:
John. September 5, 1671,
Elizabeth, April 3, 1673;
Thomas, October 28, 1675
Ysacke, January 16, 1677;
Sarah, June 5, 1680;
Lydia, February 18, 1682;
Mehetabel, September 6, 1685; Mary, 1688.
from New England Families, Genealogical and Memorial edited by William Richard Cutter
John , son of John Pratt, was born September 5, 1671. He lived in that section of Saybrook called Pautapaug, and his name appears in the list of inhabitants of the Second Society who came to an agreement September 18, 1722, in regard to the situation of the meeting-house.
He is believed to have died in 1744. His will was presented for probate, together with an inventory of his estate, amounting to three hundred and twenty-four pounds, one shilling, eight pence. September 10, 1744.
He married Hannah Williams, November 20, 1697.
Children, born at Saybrook:
Elizabeth, March 20, 1699;
Thomas, April 23. 1701;
John, September 26, 1703
Xehemiah, January 26, 1706;
Lemuel, February 25, 1709; Azariah, August 1, 1710:
Lydia, July 19, 1715;
Hannah, January 19, 1718:
Mehetabel, February 16, 1720, died June 14, 1733.