February 24, 1812,
Washington County, Pennsylvania.
In the fear of the Lord amen. I David Sutton minister of the gospel of West Bethlehem township Washington County Pa., Being at the time much indisposed but am blest with sound mind and memory and calling to mind the mortality of man I thought to set my house in order
I commend my spirit to God that gave it and my body to the dust to be buried at the decision of my executors
And as for the Estate that God has seen to bless me with I dispose of in the following manner
That all my just debts be paid first I give and bequest unto my children (viz) David, John, James and Andrew Sutton, Ann Parkhurst and Catherine Frazee, my daughter Sarah Wilson, being dead, it is my will that her children draw the seventh part of my estate to be equally divided amongst them the said children of Sarah Wilson when they severally arrive to the age of twenty one years and the rest to be equally divided amongst the above named legatees.
My desire is that the executor issue the bequests in the following order first unto my son John Sutton and as many of the children of Sarah Wilson as shall have arrived to the aforesaid age and to the rest of the legatees by seniority I wish my property to be sold by ... ... as soon after my death as shall be thought expedient by the executors.
And I do hereby constitute and appoint Samuel Ross (?) and David Frazee executors to this my last will and testament and do hereby dis... all other wills and testaments heretofor made by me.
As written my hand and seal this 24th day of Feb 1812.
I wish my books and --- ---- not be sold but equally divided amongst the children.