Johannes Hunsicker was the first of the family of that name known to be in the township [Heidelberg]. His son Henry [Hunsicker] married Maria Barbara Huff in 1786, by whom he had three sons and six daughters. She died in 1802, aged thirty-eight years.
Peter Hunsicker lived in 1794 on land adjoining Philip Mosser. The Heidelberg churchyard contains tablets to Susanna Hunsicker, born 1799, died in 1850, and Magdalena Hunsicker, born in 1731.
John Hunsicker, who was born in 1755, and died in 1836, aged eighty years, and his wife, Catharine (Stiegerwalt), born in 1757, died in 1823, were located near the Heidelberg Church, where his son Henry lived. He married Susanna-, who died in 1850, and left five children, of whom were Reuben, David, and Levi, the last two living on the homestead.
Joseph Hunsicker, a brother of John, married a daughter of Michael Ohl, by whom he had no children. He married for his second wife a daughter of Krum, and sister of Christian Krum, by whom he had Christian, Jonas, John, Daniel, Reuben, and Henry.