
An American Family History


Robert Cluggage's Company


The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) was between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the 13 colonies which became the newly formed United States.

First Pennsylvania Roll of Robert Cluggage's company October 5, 1776
Colonel Edward Hand
James Chambers Lieutenant Colonel
Major Jas. Ross

Thacher in his Military Journal of the Revolution states:

They are remarkably stout and hardy men; many of them exceeding six feet in height. They are dressed in white flocks or rifle shirts and round hats. These men are remarkable for the accuracy of their aim; striking a mark with great certainty at two hundred yards distance. At a review, a company of them, while on a quick advance, fired their balls into objects of seven inches diameter, at the distance of two hundred and fifty yards. They are now stationed in our lines, and their shot have frequently proved fatal to British officers and soldiers who expose themselves to view, even at more than double the distance of common musket shot.

From History of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton Counties

. . .Colonel Thompson was promoted brigadier on the first of March, 1776, and Lieut. Col. Hand of Lancaster, succeeded him. The term of the battalion expired on the 30th of June, 1776, but officers and men in large numbers re-enlisted for three years or during the war, under Col. Hand, and the battalion became the first regiment of the Continental Line. It was at Long Island, White Plains, Trenton and Princeton, under Hand.

Cluggage, Robert Captain resigned October 6, 1776
Holliday, John first lieutenant promoted captain of Ross' company, September 25, 1776
Burd, Benjamin first lieutenant from second lieutenant, September, transferred to Fourth Pennsylvania
Burd, Benjamin second lieutenant promoted first lieutenant, September 25, 1776
Holliday, James sergeant killed September 11, 1777
Simonton, Alexander sergeant discharged 1781; wounded in battle of Brandywine; resided in Washington county in 1803
Bainbridge, Charles private June 6, 1776; discharged July 13, 1776
Bone, Joseph private discharged June 24, 1776
Butler, Edward private May 18, 1776
Campbell, Larison private May 18, 1776
Connor, Philip private  
Corbitt, Patrick private May 8, 1776; discharge August 8 1776
Denmark, John private August 1, 1776
Donelin, William private  
Dougherty, Matthias private  
Drew [Dreis], Thomas private July 17, 1776
Hailey, David private July 24, 1776
Humphries, David private July 20, 1776
Irwin, James private July 16, 1776
Irwin, William private  
Kent, William private  
Kerney, James private May 8, 1776; discharged August 15, 1776
Kerney, Nicholas private May 8, 1776; discharged August 15, 1776
Kirbey, James private June 6, 1776; taken prisoner August 28, 1776
Laird, William private  
Leonard, Patrick private  
Lewis, Robert private June 6, 1776; discharged July 1776
Long, James private July 21, 1l776
McCarthey, Henry private July 12, 1776
Mcclean, Daniel private  
Mccord, Ezra private July 21, 1776
McCune [McEwen], John private  
McDonald, David private May 8, 1776; discharged July 18, 1776
McNinch, John private May 11, 1776
McRoberts, David private May 18, 1770
Magee, Thomas private  
May, William private discharged August 15, 1776
Miller, Michael private  
Morrison, John private August 1, 1776
Plumb, Samuel private  
Pughe, Thomas private June 15, 1776
Reynolds, Michael private  
Richardson, James private June 6, 1776; discharged August 28, 1776
Richie, Philip private  
Richie, Charles private June 15, 1776; discharged July 13, 1776
Robinson, Thomas private June 6, 1776; discharged June 24, 1776
Ross, Charles private July 14, 1776
Sheehan, Thomas private July 14, 1776
Sloan, Alexander private  
Smith, John private July 21, 1776
Steel, Francis private May 18, 1776
Stevens, John private July 18, 1776
Taylor, Hugh private July 20, 1776
Vanderslice, Daniel private  
Wallace, Samuel private  
Ward, Thomas private  
Warren, Edward private July 20, 1776
Whitman, George private  
The Battle of White Plains was on October 28, 1776 near White Plains, New York. The Americans retreated from New York City and the British landed troops in Westchester County to cut them off. The Americans attempted to establish a position in White Plains, but the British drove them from a hill near the village.












Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2019
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