The Seneca Trail or The Great Indian Warpath was a Native American trail from Pennsylvania through the
Shenandoah Valley. It was the route used by early settlers migrating to eastern Tennessee. In the 1760's it was widened to allow the army to defend the fort on the Holston and this encouraged increased migration to East Tennessee.
Jonesborough was founded in 1779. The town was renamed "Jonesboro" for a period of time, but it has been changed back to the original spelling. Jesse Walton, John Woods, George Russell, James Stewart, and Benjamin Clark laid out and supervised the building of the town.
The following men bought lots: Robert Sevier,
Major Reynolds, David Hughes,
Nathaniel Evans,
Martin Maney,
James Alison,
Peter McClure, John Allison,
Jesse Bounds, Captain Stephen Cole,
Captain Charles Holliway,
William Noddy,
James Ray,
Richard Minton,
Colonel Andrew Balfour,
James Reese,
Spruce McCay,
John Gilliland,
James Lackey, John Woods,
John Yancey,
James Stuart, and
Jesse Walton
Jonesborough was originally a part of the Washington District. In 1784, it became the capital of the autonomous State of Franklin. Franklin, however, was never recognized by Congress, and was re-claimed by North Carolina in late 1788.
Washington County, Tennessee was established in 1777 as Washington County, North Carolina. From 1784 to 1788, it was part of the State of Franklin.