
An American Family History


The Bogart Family

  also spelled Begart, Bogard, Bogaert, Bopart  

The Dutch were the first Europeans claim land in New Jersey. The region became a territory of England in 1664 when an English fleet sailed into New York Harbor and took control of Fort Amsterdam.

Samuel P. Bogart was born on September 27, 1724 in Readingham, New Jersey. He was the son of Cornelius Bogart.

He married Catherine Range about 1765 in Somerset County, New Jersey. Catherine was born on May 24, 1741 in Raritan, Somerset County, New Jersey. She was the daughter of Noah Range and Elizabeth Coons.

Catalyna Bogart (1766, married Jacob Hammer),
Eleanor Bogart (1767, married Thomas Wright),
Elizabeth Bogart (1770, married Isaac Hammer),
Cornelius Bogart (1771)
Samuel P Bogart (1773, married Mary Hammer),
John Bogart (1775),
Rachel Bogart (1776, married David Pugh),
Margaret Bogart (1779, married Christopher K. Kughn),
Hannah Bogart (1782, married Joseph Longmire), and
Sarah Bogart (1784, married Jonathan Hammer).

About 1765, the Range and the Bogart families moved to York County, Pennsylvania. Then both families moved to Berkeley County, West Virginia.

Henry Bopart,
52 acres,
South Branch Potomac River
Adjoining Jacob Peters
December 20, 1771. (Abstract of Land Grant Surveys, 1761-1791, Augusta & Rockingham Counties, Virginia, by Peter Cline Kaylor)

The Bogarts moved to Washington County, Tennessee about 1779 where they were among the early members of the Sinking Creek Baptist Church, which is now in Carter County, Tennessee. Samuel received a land grants in Washington County on Sinking Creek and is on the tax list from 1787 to 1796.

He was in Captain Tullis's Company in 1788.

York County is in south central Pennsylvania and was created on August 19, 1749 from part of Lancaster County.


Hendrick Bogart was born on April 27, 1746 in Lebanon, Hunterdon County, New Jersey. He was the son of Isaac Bogart.

He married Elizabeth Range. Elizabeth was born in 1742, in Somerset, New Jersey. She was the daughter of Noah Range and Elizabeth Coons.

Cornelia Bogart (1768),
Neeltje Bogart (1772),
Cornelius Bogart (1772, married Elizabeth Moffat),
Abraham Bogart (1777, married Elizabeth Duncan and Elizabeth Looney),
Sarah Bogart (1778),
Margaret Bogart (1781),
Henry Bogart (1783),
John Bogart (1785, married Margaret Witson),
Daniel Bogart (1787),
Hannah Bogart (1789),
Nathaniel Bogart (1791), and
Elizabeth Bogart (1793).

Washington County, Tennessee 1788/89 Deed of conveyance Henry Bogart to Thomas Maxfield, 100 A, ack

In May, 1795 the Washington County Court bound Nancy Hamelton to Henry Begart until she is 18 years old.

Hendrick died in 1815 in Washington County, Tennessee. Elizabeth died about 1826, in Washington County.

Hunterdon County was originally part of Burlington County, West Jersey. It was set off from Burlington County on March 11, 1714. It included Amwell, Hopewell, and Maidenhead Townships.









Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2025
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