In the name of God amen, I William Childress of Sullivan County and State of Tennessee revoking all others do make thi s my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say after making all my just debts and funeral expenses.
1st - I give to my loving wife Ann Childress
- the buildings and plantation now occupied by me, with
- all my household and kitchen furniture and plantation utensils and
- working tools of every description with
- one-third part of the profits of the Gristmill, and
- as much of my livestock of all kinds as she may think proper to keep. Also
- my slaves, Lucy and Moses, during her material life.
All the rest of my livestock to be sold, and the money when collected, to be equally divided between all my children, John Childress, William B. Childress; Mary Ann (Agee) and Sarah Looney.
2ndly - I give and bequeath to my son, John Childress,
- that part of the land lying between the Holston River and where William Agee lives. Also
- all that part of my land that lying on the north side of said river and south of a boudary line to be run as follows. To whit
- beginning on the north hill side, on the old patent line at or near a forked beech tree that is marked and thence to a sycamore tree. From
- thence to a black sugar tree from
- thence to a sugr tree. Coming from
- thence, a straight line to a stump near the barn, where it is intended a pear (?) tree shall be planted from
- thence to a small elm near the stables , from
- thence to a straight line to a black oak near the sandstone quarry. From
- thence a straight line to a forked white oak near Eli Shipley's fence and to the patent line,
to be his, his heirs or assignees forever. Exactly 3 acres, to include the Gristmill, which will be his to be disposed of.
3rdly - I give and bequeath to my son William B. Childress, all the rest of my land on Fall Creek lying north of the line above mentioned to be his, his heirs or assignees forever.
4thly - I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Looney, all that tract of land on which Carl Bryant now lives, to be hers, her heirs or assignees forever. With the provision that, if said Bryant Carl should pay or cause to be paid to the said Sarah Looney her heirs etc. four hundred dollars within four years from the first of January just past, then the said Sarah Looney, her heirs, etc. shall give the said Bryant a deed of conveyance for the same. Otherwise, if said Bryant Carl continues to stay on the place, he is to pay rent for the sum agreeable to a verabl contract made between the said Carl and myself to the said Sarah, her heirs, etc.
5thly - After my wife's death, I give to my sons John Childress and William B. Childress the 3 acres of land reserved with the gristmill to be held by them jointly, their heirs or assignees forever. I give my negro woman Lucy to one of my children, whichever she may choose to live with. All the rest of my estate to be sold, and, when the money collected, to be equally divided amongst all my children, as above named.
And I appoint my sons John Childress and William B. Childress executors of this my last will and testament, in witness whereof I have hereunto set my name and seal this 17th day of March, 1816.
Signed sealed and delovered by the said testaator as for this last will and testament, in presence of
Robert Easley
William Childress
Peter Pendelton
her Mary (X) Brenstedder mark