from History of Tennessee
The first church established in Jonesboro was a Presbyterian Church. About 1790 Rev. Samuel Doak and Rev. Hezekiah Balch organized a church by the name of Hebron, four miles east of town. The members numbered from fifteen to twenty. The first ruling elders were Samuel Mitchell, Sr., Samuel Fain and John B. McMahon, to whom in a few years was added Joseph Young. For a time Mr. Doak preached at the houses of Adam Mitchell and Peter Miller, and at the courthouse in town....
Samuel H. Miller... was the eldest of ten children—nine of whom lived to be grown—and five of them are still living, of Peter and Mary (Hunt) Miller, natives of Washington County, Tenn. He served in the war of 1812 under Gen. Jackson. He was lieutenant of his company. Mr. and Mrs. Miller were active and devoted Christian workers in the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he was the leader of his congregation. He was a man of splendid natural abilities, and was highly respected by all.
He was a son of Peter and Elizabeth (Boone) Miller. Mrs. Miller was a cousin of Daniel Boone. Mr. Miller was born in Germany and after coming to the United States, married, and a year later came to Washington County. He had four sons and one daughter. He was a very devoted Christian worker in the Reformed Lutheran Church.