
An American Family History

John Rhea


The American folk hero, David "Davy" Crockett (1786 – 1836), grew up in East Tennessee.

John Rhea was born about 1753 in Ireland. He was the son of Joseph Rhea and Elizabeth McIlwaine. Rhea County, Rheatown and Rhea Springs, Tennessee, were named in his honor

He graduated from Princeton University.

John was one of Rheatown's first settlers in 1771. It is in the upper east end of Greene County. He was the first representative from Sullivan County to the legislature.

In 1780, John was appointed to be the county clerk of Sullivan County, Tennessee.

In 1780 he participated in the Battle of Kings Mountain.

In 1782 and 1787 John received warrants for land in Sullivan County, Tennessee. At that time it was in North Carolina.

When Tennessee was divided into three Congressional Districts in 1803, John was elected to Congress from the First District.

1809 Petition of John Rhea regarding lands south of the French Broad River. Sandin Carter also named.

In 1815 John was appointed by President, James Madison, as a commissioner to make treaties with the Choctaw.

In 1817 he returned to Congress where he continued to serve until 1823.

John died in 1839 in Sullivan County, Tennessee.

Kingsport Times-News 
(Kingsport, Tennessee)
23 Feb 1964

John Adams, Jr. (1735-1826) was the second President of the United States (1797–1801), the first Vice President (1789–1797).



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from Notable Southern Families, Volume 2 by Zella Armstrong and Janie Preston Collup French

John Rhea, first child of Rev. Joseph Rhea and Elizabeth (Mcllwaine) Rhea, was born in 1753 in Ireland, and died in 1839 in Sullivan County, Tennessee. He graduated at Princeton in 1789. He and his father were noted as Latin and Greek scholars, and while John was in Gen. Washington's army they corresponded in Latin....

John Rhea assisted in the organization of the state of Tennessee, and the writing of its constitution, and was chosen the first representative from Sullivan County to the, legislature. When Tennessee was divided into three Congressional Districts John Rhea, in 1803, was elected to Congress from the First District, where he served' with distinction. In 1815 he accepted an appointment from the President, James Madison, as a commissioner to treat with the Choctaw Indians, but in 1817 was returned to Congress where he continued to serve until 1823 when he retired to private life.

He was a Jeffersonian democrat and a friend of Andrew Jackson.

Rhea County, Rheatown and Rhea Springs. Tennessee, were named in his honor.

He died, unmarried, and left a very large estate in lands, much of which had been Government grants for special services rendered. (Ramsey's History of Tennessee. Porter's History. Historic Sullivan).


from Bulletin of The Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County, Volume XXIII, February 1995, Number 1, pg 30. Rutherford Co., NC., Deed Book Q, pg 193.

William Jinnins and wife Martha of Rutherford Co., NC.,
to John Rhea of same,
75 pounds,
250 acres on the west side of Robesons Creek,
granted 20 February 1771 to Thomas Robertson,
then conveyed to Martha Murgan 6 December 1786.
Wit. Abel Lewis, Clayburn Burnet, John Roe.
23 January 1797.


RHEA, John 15 Aug 1797 300 acres Warrant No. 14474 dated 26 Sep 1782 waters of Ready [Reedy] Creek a north branch of Holston River [SFHR]
adj: Joseph Cook, James Campbell, cave ridge


from Washington County, VA Survey Records Abstracts 1781-1797, submitted to the USGenWeb archives by Rhonda Robertson

John Rhea
200 ac
reasury warrant #12563
on the waters of and on the south side of Powells River
corner to Isaac Chisman's land
on the south side of a branch corner to Charles Cox's land
April 25, 1785

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