from The Boone Family by Jesse Procter Crump
Mary Boone (daughter of George), born 23 Sept. (O. S.), or 4 Oct. (N. S.), 1699, in Devonshire, England; died 16 Jan., 1774, in her 75th year.
Married 13 Sept. (or 24 Sept., N. S.), 1720, in Philadelphia County (now Berks), Pa., John Webb (d. 18 Oct., 1774, in 80th year).
The abstract of their marriage record reads:—
7-13, (1720) John Webb of Phila. Co. and Mary Boone daughter of George of the same Co., at a Public Meeting. Witnesses George, Squire and Benjamin Boone; Thomas Evan; Edward Foulke; Edward Morgan; Daniel Meredith and 18 others.
In some way their courtship did not comply with the regulations of the Society of Friends, for on 26 July, 1720, in Gwynedd Meeting, her father, George Boone, openly acknowledged his fault in allowing John Webb to "keep company with his daughter in order to marry, contrary to ye established order."
After their marriage John and Mary Webb probably settled in Exeter township, as their affairs continue to be recorded in Gwynedd and Exeter Meetings. It is said that they resided on the farm occupied in 1860 by Isaac Herbine, then also included in the paternal estates.
In 1730, John and Mary Webb must have again offended the Meeting, for we find:
7-29-1730, John Webb and wife Mary produced acknowledgment of misconduct which was accepted.
For ten years they kept within the straight and narrow path laid down by the Friends, but in 1740 John Webb was again called to account:
9th Mo. 27th 1740. A. 21. At this Meeting John Webb brought a Paper of Condemnation for his outgoing which was received and ordered to be Read at Oley first Day's Meeting;
the further Publishing thereof is referred to Friends of Philadelphia. It is as follows, viz. (His acknowledgment).
This is to give notice to All Persons whom it may concern that I John Webb being at the Election at Philadelphia in the year 1740, in a very Public Place and after a very Public manner, being taken and apprehended with a grindstone in my Hands as though I had a mind to take it away and when the man spoke to me saying, "Where art thou going with that Stone?' I made answer unwittingly and after a suspicious manner to my own shame
I do confess, which was after this manner. "What if I have bought it?' These words being spoken by me, and have proceeded from the same Wicked Spirit which leads People into such Vile Words and Actions to the great Scandal of our Holy Profesion; all which Words and Actions of Mine as aforesaid with all the other unsavory Conduct of mine at that time I condemn the whole, and the Spirit that led me thereunto, with desire in my Heart, that for the future I may be more careful so as not to Transgress the Law of God written in the Heart.
John Webb
Children:—(Births recorded in Exeter Record.)
John Webb, b. 14 Mar., 1720. (O. S.)
George Webb, b. 3 Sept., 1723 (O. S.); was complained against for "marrying out" 30 June. 1743. (c)
Mary Webb, b. 26 Jan., 1726-7. (O. S.)
Sarah Webb, b. 17 Oct., 1729 (O. S.); probably married Mitchell, for we find "6-26, 1760, Sarah Webb, alias Mitchell, testified against."
Benjamin Webb, b. 28 Dec, 1732. (O. S.)
Joseph Webb, b. 6 May 1735. (O. S.) On 29 June, 1758, Joseph Webb was testified against for "marrying out and by a justice." There is record of the administration of the estate of one Joseph Webb, Brunswick, Berks Co., to Rachel and Martha Webb, daughters, Mary the widow renouncing, 21 Mar., 1781.
James Webb, b. 4 Mar., 1737-8. (O. S.) +38 Samuel Webb, b. 23 May, 1740. (O. S.) Moses Webb, b. 2 Oct., 1743. (O. S.)