
An American Family History

Edward Putnam v. Mary Easty

  Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Volume 1, Page 125  

Mercy Lewis was a servant in Thomas Putnam's home. She was born in Maine about 1673 and lost both parents in Indian attacks at a young age.

Many factors led to the witchcraft accusations in Salem and we should remember the real women who were involved.

the deposistion of Edward Putnam aged abought 38 years old testifieth and saith abought 18 day of may 1692

mary easty the prisner now at the bar being then seat at liberty but one the 20 and 21 days of may marcy lues was so greviously aflicted and tortred by her (as she her self and mary walcott an putnam Elizabeth hubbart abigel williams) said

I my self being ther present with several others with marcy lues looked for nothing else but present death with marcy lues for all most the space of two days and a night she was choked allmost to death in so much we thought sumtimes she had banded her mouth and teath shut and all this very often untell shuch time as we under stood mary easty was laid in Irons,

allso apon the second day of mary estys examination at the vilag marcy lues mary walcott elizabeth hubbart ann putnam mary warrin and abigell williams when mary easty came to the haile to go to paryer and in prayer time and sumtime after it they remaned in this sad condition of being all most choked to death and when they ware abul again to speak they all with one Consent charged her that she did them that mischef. I all so have hard sum of them Complain very often of hur hurting them with the spindall of a wheel.

Jurat [one who has taken an oath] in Curia [a court of justice]
Edward putnam

Mary Walcott was about 17 at the time of the trials. She was the daughter of Captain Jonathan Walcott. She married Isaac Farrar and David Harwood. Her step-mother was Deliverance Putnam.

Mary Warren was about 20 at the time of the trials. She was John and Elizabeth Procter's servant.

Very little is known about Elizabeth (Betty) Hubbard.

Abigail Williams was about 11 at the time of the trials. She lived with her uncle, the Reverend Samuel Parris.

Deacon Edward Putnam (1654-1747) was about 38 at the time of the trials. His parents were Thomas Putnam and Ann Holyoke. He married Mary Hale. His brother was Thomas Putnam.
Ann Putnam was 12 years old at the time of the trials. She was the daughter of Thomas and Ann Putnam. Ann died in 1716 and was the only girl to apologize.
Constable John Putnam. Jr. (1627-1710). His parents were John Putnam and Priscilla Gould. He married Rebecca Prince.

Salem is in Essex County, Massachusetts and was a significant seaport in early America. John Endicott obtained a patent from England and arrived there in 1628. Salem originally included much of the North Shore, including Marblehead. Salem Village also included Peabody and parts of Beverly, Middleton, Topsfield, Wenham and Manchester-by-the-Sea.

The Salem witch trials were between February, 1692 and May, 1693.
Essex County, Massachusetts was created on May 10, 1643 by the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, when it ordered "that the whole plantation within this jurisdiction be divided into four sheires."


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