
An American Family History


Moses MacKay

  also spelled McKay, McCay, McKey, MacKoy, McCoy  

Moses MacKay was born about 1720 in New Jersey. He was the son of Robert MacKay and Ann Browne.

He migrated with his father to Virginia.

He married Mary Jobe in 1748 in Fredrick County, Virginia, She was born about 1730 in New Garden, Chester County, Pennsylvania and was daughter of Abraham Jobe and Sarah Gatchell.

Isaac MacKay (1750, married Betty Withers),
Abraham MacKay (1752, married Rachel Odell),
Jeremiah MacKay (1755, married Lydia Whitson),
Moses MacKay, Jr. (1758).
William MacKay (1760, married Jane Lawsher)
Rachel MacKay (1761).

In 1750 Moses witnessed Caleb Jobe's will.

1757 Record of Wm. Reckitt at or near Crooked Run:
We had a meeting at Crooked Run, 22 miles South of Hopewell on the first day, the 18 da. 12 Mo. It was a good meeting.

On the second day we set forward through the woods, and over the hills and rocks, crossing several large creeks. We came in the evening to a man's house called Moses MacKoy, and had a meeting there next day. They were an unsettled people, yet assented to truth; but were not fully convinced in their minds concerning the sufficiency of it; having an eye to outward shadows. I left them in good will.

Moses served in the Frederick County, Virginia Militia in Captain Henry Speaks' Company during the years of 1756-1760. Moses also served in the Revolutionary War in Captain David Steel's Company, 13th Virginia Regiment, commanded by Colonel William Russell.

In 1775, Isaac, Abraham, and Jeremiah were on the tax list of Dunmore County

On July 17, 1777, Moses drowned while serving in the Revolutionary War.

In 1786, William Whitson [Jr.] and Abraham MacKay were elected to meet with the Primitive Baptist church association held at Kendrick's Creek, (Sullivan county) to petition for permission to establish a church at Big Pigeon.

Abraham and Rachel MacKay were original members of the Primitive Baptist church in Pig Pigeon in 1786. They built a fort on the French Broad River.

In 1790 Jeremiah MacKay of Shenandoah County gave his power of Attorney to David Jobe in Washington County and Abraham Mackay of Green County to receive his wife's portion of the estate of Joseph Whitson.

Early Quakers were persecuted. In the Massachusetts Bay colony, Friends were banished on pain of death.


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Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2024
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