
An American Family History

Nicholas Bonham and Hannah Fuller

Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts
Piscataway, Middlesex County, New Jersey
Barnstable, Massachusetts was settled in 1639 when Parson Joseph Hull came to Cape Cod with and his congregation from Weymouth. A little later in the year, the Reverend John Lothrop brought his Congregationalists. They incorporated as the Town of Barnstable.

The first settlers homes included primitive dugouts and log cabins.

Nicholas Bonham and Hannah Fuller married on January 1, 1658 in Barnstable. They started their family in Barnstable.

Their children are listed in First Settlers of ye Plantations of Piscataway and Woodsridge Olde Easte New Jersey, Part 4. Hannah Bonham Lippington was born on October 8, 1659. Mary Bonham Dunham was born on October 4, 1661. Sarah Bonham Fitz Randolph was born on February 16, 1664/65. Elizabeth Bonham Slater was born about 1665. Nicholas Bonham was born about 1667. Elijah Bonham was born about 1669. Justice Hezekiah Bonham was born about 1670.

The family moved to Piscataway about 1670-72. They left Puritan Massachusetts because they had become Baptists. They were members of First Baptist Church of Piscataway.

Samuel Bonham was born on September 7, 1672. Jane Bonham was born on January 29, 1675. She died on February 25, 1675/76. Priscilla Bonham Langstaff was born on November 11, 1677.

Hannah married in 1677. Mary married in 1681. Samuel died on October 1, 1682 at the age of ten.

Nicholas died July 20, 1684. Hannah died in 1685. Their son, Hezekiah was the executor and inherited Nicholas' land when he was only 14 years old.

In 1699/1700, Priscilla' husband, John Langstaff, and Elizabeth's husband, Edward Slater, were involved in anti-English, pre-revolutionary activities. The court wanted to hold proceedings in the Piscataway Public house. The townspeople were opposed to this and nailed the door shut. The sheriff attempted to break the door open and John and Edward stopped him forcibly. One account of this incident is on the Elizabeth and Edward Slater page and another is on the Priscilla and John Langstaff page.

Piscataway Township in New Jersey was first settled in 1666 by Quakers and Baptists who had left the Puritan colony in New Hampshire.

Mary White Rowlandson,Talcot
was captured by Native Americans
during King Philip's War (1675-1676).
Old Style Calendar
Before 1752 the year began on Lady Day, March 25th,. Dates between January 1st and March 24th were at the end of the year. Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) are used to indicate whether the year has been adjusted. Often both dates are used.

The First Baptist Church of Piscataway is in Edison, New Jersey and was formed in 1689.

American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (or li) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency.


Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2019
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