
An American Family History

Patience Bonham Willis Holmes

Plymouth (Plimouth or Plimoth) is in Plymouth County, Massachusetts and was the site of the colony founded in 1620 by the Mayflower passengers.

Patience Bonham Willis Holmes was born about 1647 in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Her parents were George Bonham and Sarah Morton

She married her first husband, Richard Willis, on December 28, 1670 in Plymouth. Richard was born in Plymouth in 1642 and was the son of Richard Willis and Amy Glass.

Ruhamah Willis Rogers was born in 1673 in Plymouth. She married Eleazer Rodgers.

Patience was a widow by 1678 when Edward Gray was ordered to pay "twenty shillings silver money" at a town meeting for her husband's lease of Clarke's Island.

John Holmes, Jr. was her second husband. He was born about 1636 at Plymouth and was the son of John Holmes and his wife Sarah.

He died in July, 1697.

American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (or li) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency. Encyclopedia of British and Early American Coins


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The Mayflower Descendant

Eleazer Rogers (Thomas, Joseph, Thomas) was born at Eastham, 3 November, 1673, and married Ruhamah Willis, daughter of Richard and Patience (Bonum) Willis of Plymouth; but the date and place of the marriage have not ben found. The first child was born 15 October, 1698.

Eleazer and Ruhamah Rogers had nine children:
Ruth. . .

In the deeds here printed Eleazer Rogers was called yeoman in 1683 and 1699, innholder in 1719 and 1723, and "Seafayring Man" in 1725.


from History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater in Plymouth County ... by Nahum Mitchell

There was a Richard Willis, servant of John Barnes, transferred by consent to Thomas Prince 1634, m. Amy Glasse 1639,was at Duxbury 1638, and at Plymouth 1640. Richard, his s. probably, m. Patience Bonum at Plymouth 1670, was dead 1678. . .

Old Style Calendar
Before 1752 the year began on Lady Day, March 25th,. Dates between January 1st and March 24th were at the end of the year. Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) are used to indicate whether the year has been adjusted. Often both dates are used.

from Records of the Town of Plymouth: 1636 to 1705

Att a Towne meeting held att the meeting house att Plymouth the 15th day of December 1678

The Towne have sett and to ffarme lett unto Edward Gray of Plymouth Clarkes Iland; for the tearme of seaven yeers; to begine att the date heerof and from thence to be Compleatly ended; for and in Consideration of the same of three pounds and nine shillings yeerly to be duely payed in current silver mony of New England to the said Towne or theire order for the said tearme of seaven yeers and

that hee alsoe pay unto Patience Willis widdow the Relict of Richard Willis of Plymouth late deceased: the sume of twenty shillings silver money for that the said Willis had an Interest from the said Towne for the tearme of seaven yeers as aforsaid...

On 26 July 1638 Mr. John Holmes [Sr.] was given six shares of a cow.



from Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, in New England

Att the Court of his Ma held alt Plymouth, in New England, the 29 Day of October, 1669.

In reference to a horse in controversy betwixt Thomas Pope and Richard Willis, the said horse haveing bine in the costody of the said Willis, and by him left goe soe as hee can not be found and brought to tryall, the Court have ordered, that the said Richard Willis shall forthwith deposite the worth or vallue of foure pounds in the hands of John Wood, of Plymouth, whoe was then constable of Plymouth when the said horse was attached att Popes complaint, and that the said Pope and Willis shall appeer att the Court to be holden att Plymouth the next March after the date hecrof, to make the best proffe they can whose hee is; and if in the mean time the said Willis doe produce the horse, that then hee to bee freed from this engagement of the foure pounds, but if hee doe not, that then the said foure pounds to be responsible to answare those to whom the horse shalbe found to belong vpon tryall.

Att this Court, Richard Willis came before the Court and engaged his house and land unto John Wood for cccuritic for the payment of the said foure pounds.

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©Roberta Tuller 2024
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