
An American Family History

John Coulston


Coulston is also spelled Caulson, Caulston, Coleson, Collisen, Collsen, Collson, Coulstone, Coleston, Colson, Coulson, and Coulstone.


American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (or li) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency. Encyclopedia of British and Early American Coins

Lush forests in Colonial America allowed settlers to build wooden homes.

John Coulston was born on February 4, 1704/05. His parents were William and Ann Coulston.

He appeared on the list of Landholders of Philadelphia County in 1734.

John Coulston bought a plantation in Norriton Township from Elizabeth Norris in 1737. 

He married Elizabeth Davis.

John and Elizabeth's children included:

Jonathan Coulston (1736)
Ann Coulston (1738)
Mary Coulston Boulton (1740, married Edward Boulton),
Daniel Coulston (1742), and
William Coulston (1745, married Eve Hooven).

When John Coulston died, the Orphan's Court awarded his property to his son William. William Coulston owned the property during the Revolutionary War. 

On February 3, 1790, William and Eve Coulston leased the farm to David Coulston for the annual rent of 36 bushels of wheat to Logan and Pemberton and a payment of £4 a year to Elizabeth Coulston, David's mother.

David Coulston was a private 2nd class in Philadelphia County Militia, 6th Battalion, 5th Company, of Norriton Township. He served under Captain John Wentz. After the war, assessor Jacob Auld included David Coulston in his "Assessment of Damages done by the British, 1777-1778" David's damage was £5, 17s.

First printed in Boston 1745
Norriton Township was created in.1730. It was in Philadelphia County, but is now in Montgomey County, Pennsylvania. The Township included Norristown. In 1909 it was split into East and West Norriton.
Children of William Coulston
  • Elizabeth Coulston Nanney
  • Ann Coulston Jones
  • Henry Coulston
  • Grace Coulston Eastburn
  • William Coulston
  • John Coulston
  • Barnabas Coulston
  • Sarah Coulston Ellis
  • Hannah Coulston
  • Early European settlers in the American colonies were mostly farmers and craftsmen. They had to work hard to provide daily neccesities for themselves.
    Estate inventories give us a glance into the home life of Colonial Americans through their possesions.

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