
An American Family History

Sarah Douglas Stone

“Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves,
and, under a just God cannot retain it."
― Abraham Lincoln
Alternate spellings of Douglas: Dougals, Doughlass, Douglace, Douglass, Dougless, Douglasse, Dowglas, Dowglass, Duglas, Duglass

Many young healthy people died in colonial Maryland due to outbreaks of malaria and yellow fever.

Sarah Douglas Stone was about 1727 at Bowles Plantation in Charles County, Maryland. Her parents were Captain Benjamin Douglas and Elizabeth Land.

She married Matthew Stone, Jr. after 1749. Matthew was the son of Matthew Stone and Rachel Smoot.

Matthew and Rachel's children included:
Rachel Stone (about 1751),
Elizabeth Land Stone (1753), and
Benjamin Stone (1755).

Matthew died when he was about 30 years old.

Matthew's estate was probated in August, 1757. His next of kin were his brothers, John and Samuel Stone, and Sarah was the administratrix. Sarah's brother, Charles, was surety along with Matthew's brother, John.

Sarah's estate was probated in August, 1775. She was 47.

Bowles Plantation (Bowls, Bowlesley) was a plantation on the Potomac River near Pickawaxon Creek in Charles County, Maryland.
Sarah Bonner inherited it from
William Bowles who had inherited it from his father
Edward Bowles. Sarah left it to her son,
Joseph Douglas.

The first European settlements in Maryland were made in 1634 when English settlers created a permanent colony.



Matthew Stone 63.488
Charles County
Aug 10 1757
Appraisers: Godied [Godshall] Barnes, Robert Doyne.
Creditors: Daniel Jenifer for dcd M. Thomas Jenifer, John Semple.
Next of kin: John Stone, Samuel Stone.
Administratrix: Sarah Stone.


Matthew Stone 2.98 D
Charles County £163.13.7
Nov 25 1758
Sureties: John Stone, Charles Douglass.
Distribution to: Widow (unnamed,⅓).
Residue to children: Rachel, Elisabeth, Benjamin.
Administratrix: Sarah Stone.


Stone, Sarah,
Charles Co. 29 Aug. 1775
24 Oct. 1774
To dau. Rachel Stone, Negro woman Sarah, desk.
To dau, Elizabeth Land Stone, Negro boy Gerard,, chest.
To bro. Jesse Douglass, ex., use of Negro boy Walter; If he dies without issue to dau. Elizabeth Land Stone.
To daus: Rachel and Elizabeth Land Stone, remainder of estate equally,
Wit: Sam'l. Stone; Richard Marshall. 40.485

Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2025
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