
An American Family History

Susannah Dwinnell Kilham Devenish

The settlement of New Meadows was incorporated as the Town of Topsfield in 1650. The church "gathered" on November 4, 1663. The third Meeting House was built in 1703 with Rev. Joseph Capen as pastor.

Essex County, Massachusetts was created on May 10, 1643 by the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, when it ordered "that the whole plantation within this jurisdiction be divided into four sheires."

Susannah Dwinnell Devenish Kilham was born on September 5, 1687 in Topsfield, Essex County, Massachusetts. Her parents were Michael and Mary Dwinnell.

She married John Devenish who was probably a descendant of Thomas Davenish.

John probably died and then she married a man named Kilham. Her second husband was probably a descendant of Austin and Alice Kilham.

She had died by the time her father’s will was written. Her father left forty shillings “to my Daughter Susannah Killum’s child."

Various spellings of Kilham: Callum, Killam, Killiam, Killom, Killum
Children of Austin Kilham
and Alice Gorball
  • Daniel Kilham
  • John Kilham
  • Lot Kilham
  • Sarah Kilham Fiske
  • Elizabeth Kilham Hutton
  • Mary Kilham
  • Children of Michael and Mary Dwinnell
  • Mary Dwinell Hovey
  • Dr. Michael Dwinnell
  • Thomas Dwinnell
  • John Dwinnell
  • Elizabeth Dwinnell
  • Magdalen Dwinnell Holgate Clough
  • Joseph Dwinnell
  • Joannah Dwinnell Hood
  • Susannah Dwinnell Devenish Kilham
  • Various spellings of Dwinnell
    Doenell, Donell, Donnall, Donnell, Duenell, Dunnel, Dunnell, Dwaniel, Dwaniell, Dwainel, Dwennel, Dwinel, Dwinell, Dwinnel, Dwinnill, Dwonill, Dwynel



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    Genealogical Guide to the Early Settlers of America by Henry Whittemore

    Devenish or Davenish-Thomas Davenish of Salem 1639 admitted with wife Mary of the church 1641, freeman June 2 of that year, had Mary baptized July 18 1641; and Bethia, November 30, 1642; probably other children.


    Essex Institute Historical Collections, Volume 9

    25th day of the 5th moneth 1639

    Thomas Dauenish is rcceaued to be an Inhabitant within this Towne, & there is graunted vnto him tenne acres of land for planting ground

    At a gen'll towne meeting held
    the 10th of 6th moneth 1642.

    Granted to goodmaan Devenishe an lulargemt to be sett out to his land uere the Mill by Captaine Traske & Jeffry Massy.


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