
An American Family History

Catherine Estey Scudder Jones

“Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists."
― Franklin D. Roosevelt

Various spellings of Estey
Easte, Este, Estee, Estes, Estey, Esty

Old Style Calendar
Before 1752 the year began on Lady Day, March 25th,. Dates between January 1st and March 24th were at the end of the year. Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) are used to indicate whether the year has been adjusted. Often both dates are used.
Suffolk County, Massachusetts was created by the Massachusetts General Court on May 10, 1643. It initially contained Boston, Roxbury, Dorchester, Dedham, Braintree, Weymouth.

Catherine Estey Scudder Jones was born about 1630 in Freston, Suffolk County England. Her parents were Jeffrey Estey and Margaret Pott and her brother was Isaac Estey.

She married Henry Scudder in Huntington, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York about 1655. Henry Scudder was born in 1615. He was the son of Thomas Scudder.

Their children included:
Rebecca Scudder Titus ( 1656, married Abiel Titus),
Jonathan Scudder (1656/57),
Sarah Scudder Brown,
Moses Scudder (1658),
Mary Scudder (about 1660), and
David Scudder.

When her father, Jeffrey died in January 4, 1657, he left his house and land to his grandson, Jonathan Scudder. His granddaughter Scudder received 20 shillings.

Henry wrote his will on January 25, 1661.

Thomas Jones of Huntington was her second husband. He had been married before and his wife died leaving him with four sons.

Thomas Catharine had one daughter, Martha Jones, who married Thomas Whitson.

Thomas died on February 16, 1699 in Lewis, New York.

Huntington town records in the List of Taypayers in 1673 indicate that the taxes are to be paid to "widder Joans."

It was a novel thing for a woman to collect the taxes, but the records of the period show that she was a woman of more than ordinary ability, and for convenience her neighbors paid their taxes in to her. She lived on East Neck.

Eastern Long Island was settled at Southold by English Puritans on October 21, 1640. Western Long Island was Dutch. The Conklins and other related families owned the entire area in the 17th century. The Dutch granted an English settlement in Hempstead (now in Nassau) in 1644. In 1664, the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam became English and was renamed New York.


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Long Island Genealogies by Mary Powell Bunker, Mrs. Mary Powell (Seaman) Bunker

Henry Scudder m. Catharine Este, dau. of Jeffrey, he d. 1661, children:
Jonathan m. 1680,
Sarah Brown,
David m. Mary,


Thomas Jones of Huntington, died 1669, his wife died leaving him four sons : Thomas, John and others. He married a 2d wife, Catharine, widow of Henry Scudder. Her father was Jeffrey Estes from Salem, Mass., he died 1657, being the first death in Huntington.

Thomas Jones and 2d wife Catharine had one daughter, Martha, who married Thomas Whitson, and was the progenitor of all the known Whitsons.


American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (or li) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency. Encyclopedia of British and Early American Coins

Huntington Town Records, Including Babylon, Long Island, N.Y.

Conveyance by Catherine Jones of Rights in Old Mill Pond June 20, 1681

Hhuntington Jun. 20, 1681 This writing testefieth to any whom it may Consern that I keterine Jones of huntington in the East Riding of york shire on long Island haveing bought of abiell Titus A thre hundred pound Right of the old mill pond and also I have bought of John Teed A two hundred pound Right of the old mill pond: these above said Rights

I doe devide and give to my 3 sons: to my son Jonathan A two hundred pound Right which being aded to that which he hath belonging to his accomondation, maketh his Right in the old mill pond A fower hundred pound Right.

Also I give to my son moses Scudder one hundred pound Right in the old mill pond : it being aded to yt he alredy posseseth maketh his Right to be fowre hundred pound in the old mill pond.

also I give to my son david Scudder a tow hundred pound Right in the old mill pond. it being aded to yt he hath alredy in possesion maketh his Right to be 4 hundred pound Right in the old mill pond.

by me John Corey


The “widder Joans," here mentioned, was in her maiden name Catherine Este, daughter of Jeffrey Este, afterwards wife of Henry Scudder, and later “widow wife," as she called herself. of Thomas Jones. It was a novel thing for a woman to collect the taxes, but the records of the period show that she was a woman of more than ordinary ability, and for convenience her neighbors paid their taxes in to her. She lived on East Neck.


The last will and Testament of Henry Scuddar late of Huntington, Deceased, Made the 25 of January 1661

I Henry Scudder being in right understanding and perfect memory, Do Dispose of my estate as ffolloweth:

first I make my wife Catherin Scudder my whole and sole executor and to foure of my Children (viz) Moses, David, Mary and Rebeccah Scuddar,

I do give ten pound a peece; to each of them And to my oldest sonne Jonathan Scuddar I do give a Duble portion (to wit) twenty pounds together with ye house and Lands with his Grandfather [ed. note: Jeffrey Esty] left him (by will)

And all this their severall portions I do appoint to be paid to them out of my Estate by my said Executor, as they shall come to age or at the Day of their Marriages. This is my whole minde & will.

Witnessed upon Oath by Henry Whitney, Edward Ffrencham.

ye is an archaic spelling of "the."

the 28th 1670 the day and yeare above

said katteren Jones Widdoe wife off Thomas Jones Late Deseased Doth hereby these presents give assignie and make over unto my son Jonathan Scudder that house and lott with all the privilige and appurtinances thereto belonging or ever here after shall belong to the premises: after my Desease but dureing the time of my naturall Life to injoye it and every part and parsell thereof : which Lott was fformerly Henry Scudder father of the said Jonathan Scudder to remaine to him and his heirs forever for which I the said Jonathan Scudder doth wholly and ffully Resigne up unto my Brother David Scudder all my Righte title and interest that I have in that Alotment or accomidacon which was my grand-fathers JefIery esties lott and given to mee before his disease I say I make over unto my Brother David Scudder his heires and assignes ffor ever and Doth estrainge it ffrom mee my heires and assignes ffor ever: But this Lot and every parts and parsell thereof to Remaine and bee at the Desposal of my Loveing mother Katteren Jones untill my Brother David coms to adge or shee see cause to Resigne it unto him

ffor the parformence of which wee have enterchaing able sett our hands the Daie and yeare Abovesaid.
Kateren X Jones Her mark
Witness the
John Johns
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Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2024
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