
An American Family History

Isaac Estey, Jr.


Various spellings of Estey
Easte, Este, Estee, Estes, Estey, Esty

A constable was an elected official who was responsible for upholding the law in Colonial America. His duties were more limited than the sheriff's. He apprehended and punished offenders, helped settle estates, and collected taxes.
Mary Towne Estey was a victim of the Salem witch delusion on September 22, 1692.

Many factors led to the witchcraft accusations in Salem and we should remember the real women who were involved.

Isaac Estey, Jr. was born in 1656 in Topsfield, Essex County, Massachusetts. His parents were Isaac Estey and Mary Towne.

His name appeared with others who took the oath of allegiance and fidelity to Charles II in January, 1677. In 1681 his minister's rate was seven shillings and one penny. 

He married Abigail Kimball on October 14, 1689. Their children and life together are described in detail in the section on Isaac and Abigail Estey

In 1689 and 1691, he was chosen one of the surveyors of highways.

In 1692, his mother, Mary Towne Estey, became a victim of the Salem hysteria and was executed for witchcraft.

In 1694 was Issac was chosen constable. In 1696 he was one of the selectmen of the town. In 1699

Ephraim Dormand and Isaac Easty iunr are chosen to sarve on ye Jury of trialls at ye next court to be houlden at ipswich.

At a Lawfull meeting of ye Town of Topsfield the 2 day march 1702/8. . . Isaac Estey Junr and Samuel Stanley are Chosen Selectmen for the year Insuing 

When his father died in 1712, he inherited about 40 acres of upland and 4 acres of meadow that he was already living on. The land was on the south side of the Ipswich river.

My will is yt my son Isaac have all ye land which he is already posest of being on ye south side of Ipswich river which I reckon to be about forty acres of upland and four of meadow be it more or less. My will is yt he & his heirs forever have ye land aforesaid togather with what he hath had of my movable estate.

He left a will dated Mar. 16, 1713/14, which was probated May 3, 1714. He died in 1714 in Topsfield, Massachusetts.
Children of Isaac Estey
and Mary Towne
  • Isaac Estey, Jr.
  • Joseph Estey
  • Sarah Estey Gill Ireland
  • John Estey
  • Hannah Estey Abbott
  • Benjamin Estey
  • Samuel Estey
  • Jacob Estey
  • Joshua Estey

  • Children of Isaac Estey
    and Abigail Kimball
  • Mary Estey Perkins
  • Abigail Estey Cummings
  • Sarah Estey Cummings
  • Isaac Estey
  • Aaron Estey
  • Jacob Estey
  • Hannah Estey Cummings
  • Richard Estey
  • Rebecca Estey Tucker Puffer
  • Moses Estey
  • Three daughters of William Towne and Joanna Blessing were wrongly accused of practicing witchcraft in Salem. Rebecca Towne Nurse, Mary Towne Estey, and Sarah Towne Bridges Cloyes were persecuted in 1692. The children of people in the line below are all descendants of Mary Estey.

    William Towne,
    Mary Towne Estey,
    Isaac Estey,
    Aaron Estey
    Mary Estey Dwinnell
    Israel Dwinnell,
    Isaac Davis Dwinnell, Sr.,
    Isaac Davis Dwinnell, Jr.
    Victoria Zellena Dwinnell
    Robert Wilson Miller, Sr
    Robert Wilson Miller, Jr.
    King Charles II ruled England from 1660 to 1685.

    The settlement of New Meadows was incorporated as the Town of Topsfield in 1650. The church "gathered" on November 4, 1663. The third Meeting House was built in 1703 with Rev. Joseph Capen as pastor.

    The Salem witch trials were between February, 1692 and May, 1693.

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