
An American Family History

Richard Everett

Everett is also spelled Everet, Everette, Everit, and Everitt.

The Society of Friends (Quakers) began in England in the 1650s, when they broke away from the Puritans. Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn, as a safe place for Friends to live and practice their faith.

A freeholder is the owner of a freehold estate which is an interest in land that is not fixed by a specified period of time, but which may last during the lifetime of a person.

The Long Island Richard Everett's origins are not certain. He first appeared in records in Long Island in 1656. His origins and the name of his wife are uncertain. There were many Richard Everetts and it is difficult to determine exactly how they were related. The Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York published a very confusing article which tries unsuccessfully to untangle the early Richards.

His sons may have included:
John Everett born about 1650,.
Nicholas Everett born about 1652, and
Richard Everett born about 1665.

He was one of the signers of the certificate of purchase of Jamaica from the Native Americans on November 25, 1656. He received a house lot on the "Little Plains" and 10 acres of planting land.

In 1658 he received 20 acres of meadow land and became a magistrate. In 1658 a Richard Everit was taxed for six acres in Hempstead. It was taxed as meadow land and “fower gattes" and did not include a house or cattle.

In 1661 the boundaries of his meadow were set and he was to pay Magistrate Robert Coe 18 schillings. That year he also pledged to aid authorities in stopping Quaker meetings.

In 1662 he contributed to the minister's house and laid out home and 100 acre lots.

In 1665 he was sent to visit Waumitampak and ask him to appear before the general court to record land deeds in exchange for a new coat.

When they did the division and allotment of lands in Jamaica in 1660 John and his son, Nicholas, appeared on the list of freeholders.

In 1661 he was a magistrate of the town of Jamaica.

Queens County, New York is on Long Island. Jamaica was called Rustdorp by the Dutch. It was originally settled by English settlers from neighboring Hempstead. Hempstead was founded in 1644 by emigrants led by Reverend Richard Denton. Jamaica and Hempstead are now in Nassau County.

American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (or li) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency.



The Bergen Family; Or: The Descendants of Hans Hansen Bergen by Teunis G. Bergen

. . .Richard Everit, [was] one of the early settlers of Jamaica, in 1656, where he had a house lot granted in that year, on the Little Plains (Thompson's L. I., vol. 11, p. 97).

A John Everit's (supposed to be a son of Richard) will is dated Nov. 24th, 1689, proved May 20th, 1691, in which he names his wife Elizabeth, sons John, Thomas, and Jonathan, and daughter Elizabeth. . .


from The History of Long Island by Peter Ross

The name of Everitt has long been interwoven with the history of Long Island. As early as 1650 the name of Richard Everitt was written in the old town records of Rusdorff, by which name Jamaica was formerly known. Three brothers in this family line came from Holland to America, arriving some time in the year mentioned, one of whom did not long survive. John settled in Massachusetts and Richard in Rusdorff, Long Island, and from him the Long Island Everitts are descended. . .


History of Queens County, W.W. Munsell & Co.,1882

In 1665 a commission was appointed to defend the town against a complaint, of Flushing, and to request of the governor that the several deeds from the Indians be recorded. Probably the controversy with Flushing related to boundaries. The town directed Richard Everit to visit the sachem Waumitampak and induce him to appear before the general court and verify the several purchases that had been made, and for this to promise him a new coat.


History of Queens County, W.W. Munsell & Co.,1882

The governor next sent a dozen soldiers to inforce obedience to his ordinance against Quaker preaching, and to be quartered on the inhabitants of Jamaica till they should pledge themselves to aid the authorities in putting down Quaker meetings. To escape the annoyance of having soldiers in their houses the following householders signed the pledge:

Benjamin and Robert Coe,
Richard Chasmore,
Nathaniel Denton,
Richard Everitt,
Thomas and William Foster,
Rodger Lynas,
Samuel Mathews,
Andrew Messenger,
George Mills,
John Rods,
Samuel, Abraham and Morris Smith,
Henry Steves,
Thomas Wiggins and
Luke Watson.

The soldiers were then quartered on those who refused to sign the pledge.

The indigenous peoples in the United States before the arrival of Europeans included many distinct tribes and languages.

Jamaica Town Records, Volume 1
p. 1. 1656 House Lot.
p. 2. 25 Nov.1656; 10 acres Planting Land.
p. 4. 22 Nov.1658; 20 acres Meadow Land.
p. 7. 6 Aug.1659; To be Presented to Governor for Magestrate.
p. 11. 30 Apr.1661; Boundaries of His Meadow.
p. 12. Apr.1661; To Pay Mr. Coe 18 Shillings.
p. 17. 9 Aug.1662; To Pay Town Money for Minister's House, 30 Nov.1662; To Lay out Home Lots & 100 Acres Lots.
p. 21. 2 Mar.1663; Agreement With Mr. Walker.
p. 31. 17 Feb.1664; To go to Hempstead, to Give Sachem a Coat

Deacons played a respected and important role in early New England churches. They sat in a raised pew near the pulpit and had special duties during communion.


The town clerk was one of the first offices in colonial American towns. The clerk recorded births, marriages, and deaths.

25 Dec. 1680
Bill of sale of Land in Jamaica, Queens, N. Y.
by William Creed to Richard Everett.
Twenty Acres of Upland,
laying on the West side of Thomas Wiggins Sr. his lot and on the East side of Thomas Wellins lot in the town of Jamaica. Also five acres of meadow lying on the West neck, which is the same five acres which John Oldfield laid out for Mr. C. Cornelius of Bushwick, except the five acres of meadow that I saved for myself and my heirs.

Signed by William Creed,
and delivered in the presence
of William Taylor, Peter Smith, and Nathaniel Denton, Town Clerk.


Abstracts of Wills; on File in the Surrogates Office, New York City, Volume 1,1665-1707, page 33
Richard Everett of Jamaica; Died Intestate.
Abraham Smith Appointed Administrator; 4 Sept.1668;
Children Mentioned; But Not Named.

Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2025
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