
An American Family History

Philip Ferree 1687

“Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists."
― Franklin D. Roosevelt
Variations of Ferree: Fara, Ferie, Ferree, Ferrez, Ferrie, Fiere, Firre, Fierre, Fuchre, Fuehre, LeFerre, and Verree.
Coming to America : A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life by Roger Daniels
The Huguenots were 16th and 17th century French protestants. About 500,000 Huguenots fled France because of religious persecution. They relocated to Protestant nations.

Philip Ferree was born in 1687. His parents were Daniel Ferree and Marie (Mary) Warrembere.

He married Leah Dubois about 1711 at Esopus, New York. Leah was the daughter of Abraham Dubois, whose father Louis was the founder of New Platz.

Soon after their marriage they continued on to the Pequea Valley with the rest of the Ferree family

When they arrived he built a temporary home out of of forked poles with a bark roof.

Philip and Leah had eight children:
Abraham Ferree (d. 1775),
Isaac Ferree (d. 1782),
Jacob Ferree,
Philip Ferree,
Joel Ferree (1833),
Magdalena, Ferree (married William Buffington, son of Thomas Buffington),
Leah Ferree, (married Peter Baker),
Elisabeth Ferree (married her cousin, Isaac Ferree).

Philip died on May 19, 1753, Paradise Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

Steinweiler is a municipality in the district of Germersheim, in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. It was in the Mayorality of Bittingheim.
Children of Daniel Ferree and
Marie (Mary) Warrembere:
  • Daniel Ferree, Jr.
  • Marie Catherine (Mary) Ferree Lefevre
  • Jane Ferree Davis
  • Marie (Mary) Ferree Faulkner
  • Philip Ferree
  • John Ferree
  • The area of present day Ulster County, New York was called Esopus by Dutch settlers and was part of the New Netherland Colony. The village of New Paltz was founded in 1678 by French Huguenots. In 1683, the Duke of York created Ulster County.
    Europeans began to settle in the Lancaster County, Pennsylvania area about 1710. It was part of Chester County until May 10, 1729.

    Early American Homes were often built of wood from the untouched forests.



    I recommend an AncestryDNA Genetic Test Kit to find out where your ancestors really came from.


    William Penn (1644-1718) was a Quaker philosopher and real estate developer. He was the founder of the Province of Pennsylvania.

    From Olde Ulster: An Historical and Genealogical Magazine, Volume 7 by Benjamin Myer Brink ,"First Riflemaker in America an Ulster Huguenot." Contributed by Chaplain Roswell Randall Hoes, U. S. N.

    Philip Ferree, born 1687 in the Palatinate, married Leah DuBois May10, 1713, at Esopus, New York. She was the daughter of Abraham DuBois, one of the twelve original patentees of New Paltz, New York, and Philip Ferree was the son of the Hon. Daniel Ferree and Madame Marie Warembier Ferree.

    Joel Ferree, son of Philip Ferree and Leah DuBois, born 1731 in the Huguenot colony, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, undoubtedly learned his trade with his relative, Philip LeFevre. He was a gunsmith who manufactured guns in Leacock Township, Lancaster county, a few miles from the city of Lancaster. Hisshop was on the land granted his father by William Penn. In 1777, when the united colonies called for more arms, he extended his works, employed a larger force of men, and turned guns out for the Government at the ratio of from thirty to forty per week. (See Penna. Archives, 2d series, page 583, Vol. I.; see also same Vol., page 504). Gunlocks were said to have been imported by a German.

    A land patent is an exclusive land grant made by the government. The certificate that grants the land rights is also called first-title deed and final certificate. In the United States, all land can be traced back to the original land patent.

    The American Flag was adopted in 1777.


    Memorials of the Huguenots in America by Ammon Stapleton

    Philip Ferree (1687-1753), the third son of the Madame, was married during their sojourn at Esopus to Leah Dubois, the daughter of Abraham Dubois, whose father Louis was the founder of New Platz in 1660.

    Soon after his marriage, which was about 1711, he came to Pequea and settled on a part of the Ferree grant. Upon his arrival he constructed a temporary habitation of forked poles, bark roof, etc. In this queer house their first child was born.

    Philip and Leah Ferree had eight children as follows: Abraham (d. 1775), Isaac (d. 1782), Jacob, Philip, Joel, and daughters Lena, married to William Buffington, Leah, married to Peter Baker, and Elisabeth, married to Isaac Ferree, her cousin.

    Abraham [Ferree], the eldest son of Philip Ferree, the emigrant, was married about 1736 to a Miss Eltinge, of Esopus, N. Y. Their children were Cornelius, who settled in Virginia, Israel, and a daughter Rebecca, who married David Shreiver and removed to Frederick county, Maryland.


    American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (or li) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency. Encyclopedia of British and Early American Coins

    from "Madame Mary Ferree and the Huguenots of Lancaster County"

    Another Huguenot, who held land in this vicinity, was Abraham Dubois.

    After the Fieres and Lefever had come to Pennsylvania and had acquired their land along the Pequea, Philip Fiere returned to New Paltz and married Leah Dubois, who was Abraham's daughter. They were married in the church of New Paltz, on June 2, 1713.

    He at once brought his wife with hini to this Province. On December 10, 1710, Hans Graef had taken out a warrant for 1,000 acres of land along the Pequea Creek, and this warrant, on July 10, 1717, he sold to Abraham Dubois. On July 26, 1717, in consideration of the sum of £100, Abraham Dubois was granted a patent for 1,000 acres of land lying eastward of the Conestoga Creek. . .Containing 1,000 acres. . .bridge over the turnpike, and also crossed it to the south. It was bounded by the Fiere-Lefever tract on the east.

    By his will, dated October 1, 1731, Abraham Dubois devised to his son-in-law, Philip Fiere, and Leah, his wife, 500 acres of this land, with remainder to their children, and by deed dated May 27, 1732, his other children'conveyed to Philip Fiere and Leah, his wife, all their interest in the 1,000 acre tract.

    By deed dated April 4, 1743, the children of Philip Fiere deeded to their father all their interest in the 1,000 acre tract.

    On July 2, 1750, Philip Fiere and his wife conveyed the middle portion of this tract, or 333 ⅓ acres, to his son, Joel,

    and on November 3,1752, they conveyed the northern portion, or 333 ⅓ acres, to his son, Philip, Jr.,

    and the southern portion to his son, Abraham.

    To his remaining son, Jacob, he gave his share in the Fiere-Lefever tract, or 333 ⅓ acres,

    and to his son Joel the 191 5/6 acres in the same tract, acquired by him from Thomas Faulkner.


    In contracts and pleadings usually people and things mentioned before are designated by the term said (sd ) for clarity. Aforesaid (afd, afsd, aforesd ) means it was already mentioned.
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    Midwest Pioneers
    Jewish Immigrants

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