
An American Family History

Samuel Fuller, Jr.

A Puritan was a member of the religious group in the 16th and 17th centuries that advocated "purity" of worship and doctrine who believed in personal and group piety. Puritans were persecuted in England and came to America so they would be free to practice their religion.

Samuel Fuller, Jr. was baptized on February 11, 1637/38 in Scituate. He was the oldest son of Samuel Fuller and Jane Lothrop

He married Anna Fuller. Anna was the daughter of Captain Matthew Fuller.

Their children included:
Barnabas Fuller (1659),
Joseph Fuller (1661),
Matthew Fuller (1663),
Benjamin Fuller (1665),
Desire Fuller Taylor (1667), and
Sarah Fuller (1669).

He inherited from his father in 1683 some marshland, all of his father's land at Scoton neck, two mares and cattle, sheep and the remainder of the estate to be divided with his brothers Samuel and John. He also inherited “ten pounds in money which hee now owes to me and hath now hath it alredy."

Old Style Calendar
Before 1752 the year began on Lady Day, March 25th,. Dates between January 1st and March 24th were at the end of the year. Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) are used to indicate whether the year has been adjusted. Often both dates are used.
Children of Samuel Fuller
and Jane Lothrop:
  • Hannah Fuller Bonham
  • Samuel Fuller
  • Elizabeth Fuller Taylor
  • Sarah Fuller
  • Mary Fuller Williams
  • Thomas Fuller
  • Sarah Fuller Crowell
  • John Fuller
  • Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts was settled in 1627 by Puritan colonists from Plymouth.


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    Understand the Puritans better:

    Genealogy of Some Descendants of Edward Fuller of the Mayflower by William Hyslop Fuller, Fuller family, Published by C.B. Fiske, 1908

    Samuel Fuller, (Samuel1, Edward1), b. Feb. 1637-8; m. Anna1 Fuller (Matthew1). There is no record of his family on the Barnstable records and but little is known of him. He probably lived on a portion of his father's estate. An inventory of his estate was taken at Barnstable, Dec. 28, 1691, amounting to £98.17.00 From this it appears that he had been some time deceased, and that his widow had recently died, for her estate was settled on the 30th of the same month. The names of his children, given below, are taken from an agreement made at that time, dated Dec. 30, 1691.

    The town common (commons) was a small, open field at the center of the town which was jointly owned. It was used as a marketplace, a place for the militia to drill, or for grazing livestock.

    from History of Barnstable County, Massachusetts by Simeon L. Deyo, H. W. Blake & Co., New York, NY, 1890: pg. 379.      

    When the number of freemen and voters was recorded in 1670, the commons meadows were ordered sold. The list of freemen and their widows not heretofore given, were: John Thompson, Henry Taylor, Edward Taylor, Moses Rowley, Mark Ridley, Samuel Storrs, John Scudder, William Sargeant, John Phinney, sr., John Phinney, jr., Jabez and Jedidiah Lumbard, Benjamin Lumbard, Caleb Lumbard, Widow Lothrop, Widow Lumbard, John Otis, Robert Parker, Joshua Lumbard, sr., Melt. Lothrop, Joseph Lothrop, Ralph Jones, John Jenkins, John Huckins, John Howland, John Hinckley, Barnabas Lothrop, Widow Lewis, Thomas Lewis, John Lewis, James Lewis, Edward Lewis, Shubael Dimock, Nathaniel Fitzrandal, John Fuller, Matthew Fuller, Samuel Fuller, sr., Samuel Fuller, jr., Samuel Fuller, son of Matthew, John and Nathaniel Goodspeed, Samuel Allyn, Nathaniel Bacon, jr., Peter Blossom, John Chipman, James Claghorn, James Cobb, Job Crocker, Josiah Crocker, Robert Davis, Thomas Dexter, William Dexter, William Troop, Thomas Walley, sr., John Gorham, Joseph Hallett, Bart. Hamblin, James Hamblin, sr. and James Hamblin, jr.

    A Puritan woman's clothing consisted of underpants, stockings, linen, shift, petticoat, chemise (underblouse), bolster (a padded roll tied around the hips under the skirt), bodice, skirt, apron, coif (cap), outer gown and shoes. A woman might wear a ruff or bow and an apron. Cloaks were worn instead of coats. Women carried a small cloth draw-string bag or reticule and perhaps wore a chatelaine.

    Barnstable, Massachusetts was settled in 1639 when Parson Joseph Hull came to Cape Cod with and his congregation from Weymouth. A little later in the year, the Reverend John Lothrop brought his Congregationalists. They incorporated as the Town of Barnstable.

    American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (or li) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency. Encyclopedia of British and Early American Coins

    Genealogy of the Blish Family in America, 1637-1905 by James Knox Blish published by J. K.Blish, 1905

    Samuel [Fuller], s. of Samuel and Jane (Lothropp) Fuller, was bap. 11 Feby. 1637-8. He m Anne, dtr. of Dr. Matthew Fuller, and his cousin.

    There is no record of the family of Samuel Fuller in Barnstable. An inventory of his estate was taken at his house in Barnstable, 29 Dec. 1691. It would appear that he had then been dead some time, and that his widow had recently died, and her estate was settled by mutual agreement on the 30th. day of the same month. All of the heirs sign by mark, indicating that they had received no schooling. It is presumed that they were then all of legal age, and their names occur in the order above set forth.

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