
An American Family History

Elizabeth Jones Duvall Simpson

The first European settlements in Maryland were made in 1634 when English settlers created a permanent colony.
A militia is a military unit composed of citizens who are called up in time of need.

Elizabeth Jones Duvall Simpson was born about 1667 in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Her parents were William and Elizabeth Jones.

She married Captain John Duvall on August 17, 1685. John was born in 1652 and was the son of Mareen Duvall.

On August 17, 1685 her father gave them the 200 acre plantation, Wilson's Grove, in Anne Arundel at the head of South River.

Their children and life together are described in detail in the section on John Duvall.

When her father died in 1705, she received one shilling. Her daughter, Mary, inherited a cow and calf.

Her husband, John, died on April 19, 1711 when he was 59 years old.

Children of William and Elizabeth Jones:
  • William Jones, Jr.
  • Elizabeth Jones Duvall Simpson
  • Mary Jones Trogden Beddenfield
  • Ann Jones Pattison Cheney
  • Jane Jones Clark
  • Cattle were vital to a household and an important legacy.
    Unweaned cattle are calves.
    Female cattle are heifers and cows (had a calf).
    Male cattle are steers (castrated) and bulls.
    are trained draft animals and are often castrated adult male cattle.

    Planter is an archaic term for a settler. Plantation was a method of colonization where settlers were "planted" abroad. A plantation is also the kind of large farm that was the economical basis of many American Colonies and owners of these farms were also called planters.

    The Patuxent River in Maryland drains into the Chesapeake Bay. It marks the boundary between Montgomery, Prince George's, Charles and St. Mary's counties on the west and Howard, Anne Arundel, and Calvert counties on the east.

    Anne Arundel County, Marylandwas established in 1650.
    American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (or li) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency.



    from The Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Counties, Maryland by Joshua Dorsey Warfield

    William Griffith [1697-1757], youngest son of William and Sarah Mackubin [Griffith], removed to the Catoctin Mountains and became Commissioner and Justice of Frederick County. He married Comfort Duvall, daughter of Captain John and Elizabeth (Jones) Duvall, of Anne Arundel, and granddaughter of Mareen Duvall.

    Catoctin Mountain is part of the eastern ridge of the Blue Ridge Mountains. It is also called Ketoctin, Kittochiny, Kittockton, Kittocton, and South Mountain. The Ketoctin Baptist Church in Loudoun County, Virginia was founded in 1745. It was a log church with an earth floor. Many settlers in the area were atheists or deists and when others gathered for services, they remained outside socializing.

    Colonial Maryland
    Colonial New England
    Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
    Quakers & Mennonites
    New Jersey Baptists
    German Lutherans
    Watauga Settlement
    Pennsylvania Pioneers
    Midwest Pioneers
    Jewish Immigrants

    ©Roberta Tuller 2019
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