
An American Family History

The Reverend John Lothrop

"He was a man of a humble and broken heart and spirit, lively in dispensation of the word of God; studious of peace,
furnished with Godly contentment, willing to spend and to be spent for the cause of the Church of Christ."
Various spellings of Lothrop: Lathrop, Laythrop, Lothroppe, Lothropp, Lowthrop, Lowthropp.
John Winthrop (1587/8 – 1649) was a leading figure in the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He led the first migrants from England in 1630 and served as governor for twelve years. His vision of the colony as a Puritan "city upon a hill" dominated New England's development.

The Reverend John Lothrop was baptized Etton, Yorkshire County on December 20, 1584.  He was the 12th child of Thomas (Robert, John) Lothrop (Lowthrop) of Cherry Burton or Ellen, Yorkshire. His mother’s name was Maria. She died at Etton in 1588.

He was raised in Oxford and educated at Queen's College, Cambridge, where he matriculated in 1601. He received his B. A. in 1605, and M. A. in 1609.

He married Hannah Howse on October 10, 1610. Their children and life together are described in detail in the section on John and Hannah Lothrop.He became curate of the parish church in Edgerton, County of Kent about 1611.

In 1623 he left the church of England and subscribed to the doctrines of the Independents. In 1624 he was called to be pastor of the First Independent Church in London. 

On April 22, 1632 the Independents were arrested. He was released to comfort his dying wife. Hannah died in 1633. 

John married Ann Hammond in 1634 and he was released on bond and escaped to America.

Governor John Winthrop commented on Reverend Lothrop. He praised the

modesty and reserve of one who had so prominently, so ably, so fearlessly upheld the Puritan faith.

Reverend John Lothrop died in Barnstable, November 8, 1653.

Old Style Calendar
Before 1752 the year began on Lady Day, March 25th,. Dates between January 1st and March 24th were at the end of the year. Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) are used to indicate whether the year has been adjusted. Often both dates are used.

The children of John Lothrop
and Hannah Howse
  • Thomas Lothrop
  • Jane Lothrop Fuller
  • Anne Lothrop
  • John Lothrop
  • Barbara Lothrop Emerson
  • Samuel Lothrop
  • Thomas Lothrop
  • Captain Joseph Lothrop
  • Benjamin Lothrop
  • and Ann Hammond
  • the Honorable Barnabas Lothrop
  • Abigail Lothrop Clark
  • Bathsheba Lothrop Bale Marsh
  • Captain John Lothrop
  • Barnstable, Massachusetts was settled in 1639 when Parson Joseph Hull came to Cape Cod with and his congregation from Weymouth. A little later in the year, the Reverend John Lothrop brought his Congregationalists. They incorporated as the Town of Barnstable.
    A Puritan was a member of the religious group in the 16th and 17th centuries that advocated "purity" of worship and doctrine who believed in personal and group piety. Puritans were persecuted in England and came to America so they would be free to practice their religion.


    Anne Marbury Hutchinson (1591–1643, married William Hutchinson) was a popular dissident religious leader in Massachusetts. She was tried, convicted, and banished from the colony to New York where she was killed by indigenous warriors.

    Boston, Massachusetts was founded in 1630 by Puritan settlers from England.

    Fifty Ancestors of Henry Lincoln Clapp, Parts 1-2 by Henry Lincoln Clapp

    Rev. John Lothrop was born at Elton, Yorkshire, Eng., bapt. Dec. 20, 1584; received his degree of B.A. at Cambridge University, Eng., in 1605, and M.A. in 1609; came to New England Sept. 18, 1634, with the famous Ann Hutchinson, in the ship Griffin. In Gov. Winthrop's Journal, under the date Sept. 18, 1634, is this record:

    The Griffin and another ship now arriving with about 200 passengers and one hundred cattle, Mr. Lathrop and Mr. Sims, two godly ministers, coming in the same ship.

    Mr. Lothrop was the first regularly settled minister of the First Parish in Scituate, consisting of sixty-three members. He took charge of it Jan. 18, 1634-5. He removed to Barnstable with twenty heads of families five years later, Oct. 11, 1639. Among these faithful adherents were Anthony Annable, James Cudworth and Henry Ewell.

    In 1616 Mr. Henry Jacob established the first Congregational Church in England, at London, on the plan of Mr. Robinson's at Leyden, he having consulted with him on the subject. Mr. Jacob having removed to Virginia in 1624, Mr. Lathrop became his successor in London. The church held their meetings privately, and escaped the vigilance of their persecutors until April 29, 1632, when they were discovered by Tomlinson, the pursuivant of the Bishop, holding a meeting for religious worship at the house of Mr. Humphrey Barnet in Blackfriars. Forty-two of them were apprehended, and eighteen only escaped.

    Mr. Lothrop with others was imprisoned, where he remained until April, 1634 - two full years; and was then set at liberty on condition of departing from the kingdom. He embarked in the ship Griffin for Boston with about thirty of his church and people, and arrived Sept. 18, 1634." (Printed extract in Roxbury Records.)

    While he was in prison his wife died, and he was let out long enough to attend her funeral.

    The first Thanksgiving Day in this country was celebrated Dec. 22, 1636, in Rev. Mr. Lothrop's Meeting House. The church records run thus:

    Beginning some halfe an hour before nine, and continued until after twelve a clocke, ye day being very cold; beginning with a short prayer,
    then a psalm sang,
    then more large in prayer,
    after that another psalm, and the Word taught,
    after that prayer,
    and then a psalm.
    Then (at their homes) making merry to the creatures, the poorer sort being invited by the virtue. (Genealogical Notes of Barnstable Families.)

    John Lothrop's father was Thomas Lowthorpe of Cherry Burton, Eng., and his grandfather was John Lowthorpe of Lowthorpe, Yorkshire, Eng.

    His second wife was Ann Hammond, daughter of William Hammond of Watertown, Mass., and his wife, Elizabeth Penn, sister of Sir William Penn, according to N. E. H. and G. Register, Vol. 30, p. 29, near the bottom. (Hammonds, p. 47.) He married Ann Hammond, Feb. 17, 1636-7 and had five children, among whom were
    Bathsheba born in Barnstable, bapt. Feb. 27, 1641-2, and
    Abigail born in Barnstable and bapt. Nov. 2, 1639,

    the first record since our coming to Barnstable, Oct. 11, 1639.

    He had nine children born in England by a former wife.

    A Puritan was a member of the religious group in the 16th and 17th centuries that advocated "purity" of worship and doctrine who believed in personal and group piety. Puritans were persecuted in England and came to America so they would be free to practice their religion.
    ye is an archaic spelling of "the."

    In 1688, during the Glorious Revolution, the Protestant king and queen,William and Mary, took the English throne from Catholic King James II. The bloodless revolution profoundly impacted the American colonies.

    from Genealogical Dictionary by James Savage, John Farmer, Orrando Perry Dexter

    John [Lothrop], Scituate, the first min. was bred at Oxford, if the tradit. may be trusted, but prob. he was there only for a short time, preached, perhaps, at Egerton, in Kent, but certain. in London, where Bp. Laud caus. him to be impris. for it, for two yrs. in wh. time his w. d. by whom he had all his ch. exc. these by sec. w.
    Barnabas, bapt. at S. 6 June 1636;
    Abigail, wh. was bapt. at Barnstable, 3 Nov. 1639, the first in that ch.;
    Bathshua, bapt. 27 Feb. 1642;
    John, 9 Feb. 1645;
    and two, wh. d. soon aft. b. 30 July 1638 and 25 Jan. 1650.

    On liberat. from prison he embark. for Boston 1634, hav. fellow-passeng. Rev. Zachary Symmes, celebr. Ann Hutchinson, and many others, arr. in Sept.

    and 27th of that mo. went to S. there m. sec. w. Ann, wh. long outliv. him, dying 25 Feb. 1688.

    On 18 Jan. 1635, the ch. at S. were gather. for enjoy. the benefit of his services, as in Deane's Hist. 167, is told, but the author. ment. that the centenn. annivers. would occur on 7 Jan. 1835, deduct. eleven days, whereas the true annivers. requir. addit. of ten days, must have been 28 of the mo.

    He rem. to Barnstable with a large part of his flock, 11 Oct. 1639, and was held in honor to his d. 8 Nov. 1653.

    His will, made 10 Aug. bef. provides for
    the eldest s. Thomas, and
    Benjamin, beside
    John, wh. was in Eng. and ds. J
    ane and
    Jane m. 8 Apr. 1635, says her f. Samuel Fuller;

    Barbara m. 19 July 1638, Emerson; and
    Abigail m. 7 Oct. 1657, James Clark.

    It is much regretted that no better acco. of this eminent confessor is obtaina. than a descend. of our days compil. in 2 Hist. Coll. I. 163, for in Mather nothing but his name in the list is giv.

    Ch. beside those already nam. were his sec. and third s.
    Samuel and
    Joseph, both brot. from Eng.

    Cotton Mather was a Puritan clergyman and theological writer. His writings had great influence in his time. He is generally pictured as the archetype of the intolerant and severe Puritan and is known for his part in the Salem witch trials in 1692 . He did not approve of all the trials, but had helped to instigate the hysteria by his Memorable Providences Relating to Witchcraft and Possessions (1689)

    Cotton Mather

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    ©Roberta Tuller 2019
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