
An American Family History

Anne Groome Richardson Maxwell Savory

The first European settlements in Maryland were made in 1634 when English settlers created a permanent colony.

Anne Groome Richardson Maxwell Savary was born in the part of Baltimore County that is now Harford County, Maryland about 1676. She was the daughter of Moses and Ann Groome.

Her first husband was named Richardson.

She married James Maxwell. Their children and life together are described in detail in the section on James and Anne Maxwell.

In 1720 she inherited Taylor's Choice from her kinswoman, Anne Groome.

After James died in 1728, she married William Savory (Savary).

Children of James Maxwell and Mary Harmer:
  • James, the Elder, Maxwell
  • Eliza Ann Maxwell Ricketts

  • Children of James Maxwell and Anne Groome:
  • Ashael Maxwell
  • Elizabeth Maxwell
  • James, the Younger, Maxwell
  • Ann Maxwell Matthews
  • Gunpowder Neck, was in Baltimore, County but is now in Harford County, Maryland. Joppa was a major seaport and the county seat of Baltimore County from 1712 to 1769. St. John's Parish was in Joppa, but later moved to Kingsville, Maryland. Robins Point, Rickett Point Road, Maxwell Point Road, and Ford Point are south of the current Joppatowne on Gunpowder Neck. Spry Shoal is just off Rickett Point.



    Guardianship is when a court gives an adult custody of a child and/or the responsibility of managing the child's property. Before women could own property, guardians were appointed for their minor children if their husband died.



    from Maryland Calendar of Wills

    Ewings, John, [husband of Anne's sister, Elizabeth Groome] Balto. Co., 12th Apr., 1709; 25th July, 1709.
    To Sarah Sicklemore, Robert, son of Robert Cutchin, personalty.

    To only dau. Dorcas and hrs, residue of estate, real and personal, portion of wife, if she come to claim it, accepted. Dau. to be under charge of Mrs. Ann Wriothesley for two years.

    Brothers-in-law Col. James Maxwell and Moses Groome, guardians.

    Test: John Edwards, Robert Cutchin, Thomas Borton.

    Testis (Test) is latin for witness. Testes is the plural.

    Baltimore County, Maryland was founded in 1659 and included most of northeastern Maryland. The original county included parts of Cecil, Frederick, Harford, Carroll, and Baltimore Counties.

    From Baltimore County Families, 1659-1759 by Robert W. Barnes:

    Groom, Moses (1), of Balto. and A. A. Co., b. C. 1649, d. by 21 Jan. 1698/9 when admin. bond was posted by the wid. and admax., Dorothy Grooms, with Stephen Johnson and Rich. Isaacke; a.
    1st, Amy ( ??? ), and
    2nd, Dorothy ( ??? ); his wid. a. as her 2nd husb. Robert Cutchin;

    Moses was in Maryland. by 20 Feb. 1667 when he wit. the will of John Peart of Ann Arundel. Co.;
    he gave his age as 19 in 1668; he was left pers. by the will of David Jones; in April 1687 surv. 300 a. Groom's Chance, and also came to poss. 150 a. of a 300 a. tract Taylor's Choice;
    his est. was inv. 16 June 1698/9 by Thomas Staley and William Peckett, and val. at 185.14.1£, plus 1200 lbs. tob. in the house, 27963 lbs. tob. in debts, and another 12681 lbs. tob. in "sperate" debts;
    on 11 Nov. 1702 Robert and Dorothy Cutchin admin. Groom's est., and admin. it again on 1 Oct. 1707;
    Moses the father of (by 1st W.):
    Moses, Rebecca, m. on 31 Aug. 1698, Robert Saunders, s. of James;
    Ann, m . Col. James Maxwell;
    Elizabeth, m. 1st John Ewings, and may have a. 2nd Joshua Merriken

    Tobacco is a native American herb that is cultivated for its leaves which are prepared for smoking, chewing or snuff. In parts of colonial America, it was used as money. Tobacco plantations in the colonial south fueled the need for enslaving people.

    As for back as February 1695, liquor-selling was before the Baltimore County Circuit Court, in the case of Moses Groome of Gunpowder. The charge was "vending and selling liquors by retail to his Majesty's Justices of this said County Court," which sat nearby; the defendant, who lacked the papers required for tavern-keeping, petitioned to be "saved harmless." Groome's judicial patrons resolved the matter by bestowing on him "a license to keep an ordinary.


    1 Oct 1687 "Groome's Chance" 22:299 28 Apr 1687 Moses Groome 300a


    Rent rolls were lists of landowners showing whether they had paid their annual quit-rents to the Crown. A quick-rent was a feudal remnant and was paid by a freeholder in lieu of services that might otherwise have been required.

    from Abstracts of Inventories of the Prerogative Court of Maryland
    Moses Groome, 20.28, BA, 27 Je. 1700. Admx. Dorothy Cullins.

    from Abstracts of Land Records of Anne Arundel County., Maryland
    Moses Groome, Anne Arundel, with dower released by Ann e[Albertus] Groome, for seventy pounds and other considerations, deeded to Lewis Evans, Anne Arundel,, 9 F 1684, recorded 16 Jan. 1684 [B:33], a parcel in the woods bet. branches of Lyons Ck. & Herrin(g) Ck., half of Jerrico, purch. by Moses Groome from Nathan Smith, rerecorded at request of Christopher Vernon on behalf of orphans of Lewis Evans.

    Maryland Rent Rolls (ca. 1700):
    Taylors Choice 300 acres surveyed 28 July 1667 for John Taylor on n. side of e. branch of Gunpowder River,
    possessed by Stephen Johnston.
    Posst. by Ann Phelks [Felkes]. C:
    possessed by Moses Groom & Col. Maxwell.

    Grooms Chance, 200 acres sur. 28 Apr. 1687 for Moses Groom on the northeast side of the falls of Gunpowder River.

    Anne Arundel Co., Maryland, Church Records, All Hallows Parish:
    [marriage] Robert Sanders, s/o Jas., & Rebeckath Groome, of Moseis & Amy, m. 31 Aug. 1698.

    A Dower is a provision for a wife's support should her husband die before her. Her dower right was the use of â…“ of her husband's estate. The dower was settled on the bride at the time of the wedding.

    Colonial Maryland
    Colonial New England
    Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
    Quakers & Mennonites
    New Jersey Baptists
    German Lutherans
    Watauga Settlement
    Pennsylvania Pioneers
    Midwest Pioneers
    Jewish Immigrants

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