
An American Family History

Musgrove Family

  Also spelled: Musgrave, Musgraves  
Maryland was established with religious freedom for Catholics. The colonial economy was based on tobacco cultivated by Africans who had been enslaved.

Charles Musgrove was born about 1680.

Charles had at least three wives. They may hve included: Susannah Philpott, Margaret Brayfield Philpott and Catherine Parrander. Margaret was the widow of Susannah's brother. She already had a son, John Philpott (1708).

Benjamin Musgrove. (1704, married Martha Keech),
Harrison Musgrove (1706, married Mary Warren)
Susannah Musgrove (1710, married Elgin)
Henrietta Musgrove (1715, married Thomas Posey)
Elizabeth Musgrove (1729)
Lydia Musgrove (1731, married Robert Gill and Rezin Beale),
Charles Musgrove (1728)
Charity Musgrove.

Charles County
William and Mary Hundred
Belaines Hill: 300 acres;
Surveyed 24 Aug 1654 for Richard True on the West side of Wicomico River near the fresh of the River and near the land of John Courts:
also noted as Burlans Hill and Burlaines Hill
100 acres – Charles Musgrove from John Cole, 25 April 1710
214 Acres – Charles Musgrove from William Davis & Priscilla, 27 May 1720,
100 Acres – Benjamin Posey from William Davis, 7 June 1720

Charles Musgrove wrote his will on February 16, 1744 in Charles County, Maryland. It was probated on May 4, 1751.

to my beloved wife Catherine Musgrave all that tract of land called Burlin's Hills and hogpen Land during her natural life, then

to my son Harrison Musgrave

to my son Charles Musgrave all of Hog Island (460 acres)

to my wife Catherine Musgrave the use of my personal estate during her natural life, then to be equally divided amongst my six children that are with me now

Executrix: Catherine Musgrave
signed: Charles (his Ch mark) Musgraves on 16 February 1744
witnesses: James Keech Jun., Courts Keech, Ann Keech



Benjamin Musgrove was born about 1704.

He married Martha Keech.

Catherine Musgrove (1725, married John Harris and Joseph Douglas)


John Musgrove was born in 1683 in Prince George's County, Maryland. He was the son of Cuthbert Musgrove.

Edward Gordon Musgrove (1716 married Rebecca Shaw, Hannah Fincher, Nancy (Ann) Crosby and Rebecca Beeks),
John Musgrove (1718, married Araminta Gordon),
Cuthbert Musgrove (1720),
Ann Musgrove (1722, married Donald Moxley), and
William Musgrove (1724, married Verlinda).

Mary Musgrove (1738, married Christopher Columbus Cunningham),
Margaret Musgrove (1740),
Marilyn Musgrove (1742).

John Musgrove wrote his will in 1744 and it was filed in 1746.



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from Fairfax Co, Virginia Book A, 1 October 1744 to 17 Sep 1746

I give device and depose of the said in the following manner of form. In promise give and bequeath to my well beloved son Edward Musgrove my dwelling plantation that I now live on and all my stock hogs cattle and horses with all furniture belonging to the said plantation tables chests beds and bedclothes puter [pewter] pots and pans with all and every article belonging to said plantation likewise I do will and give him that plantation which Henry Brent has rented of me with all my lands and houses in Maryland and negro fellow named Dick.

Item I do give to my beloved son John Musgrove that plantation that Joseph Hunt lives upon with all things belonging there unto and one negro boy called Tom and his horse saddle and bridle.

Item I do give to my son William Musgrove all part of lands and is now in dispute ....with one negro boy called George.. with half that track of land that I had of William Iea with two mares.

Item I give to my son Cuthbert Musgrove that plantation called Wilson's with that plantation upon Sherido River that I (bought?) of William Iea and Joseph King with half the track and half the stock of cattle hogs and horses with his riding horse Shaver.

Item I give to my well beloved daughter Mary Musgrove that plantation that is now held by Jeremiah purling with all things pertaining thereunto with one negro woman called Hannah with her saddle and briddle.

Item I give to my well beloved daughter Anne Mosley my quarter that is now in being with half that tract of land which I bought of James Baul and one negro garil called Judy and two cows big with calf and ten head of hogs two ewes(?) big with young with one grey mare and two horses. -

Item I give to my daughter Margaret Musgrove that plantation and land that James Bolton lives on with two hundred acres of land upon Serindo river near to the ford with the benefit of half the stock belonging to the said plantation to be divided between her and her sister Marilyn with all my lands upon Sherindo River that is not mentioned upon Clearing the Deeds, Share and Share alike amongst all my children.


Slavery is an immoral system of forced labor where people are treated as property to be bought and sold. It was legal in the American Colonies and the United States until the Civil War.
Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2024
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