
An American Family History


All Hallows or South River Parish, Anne Arundel County, Maryland was created in 1672.

Richard Beard owned Timberneck

William Jones purchased half of Timberneck from Richard Beard.

Ruth Beard inherited the other half in 1675.

In 1684 John Wheeler, Sr., made Richard and Matthew Beard, sons of Richard Beard Jr., the reversionary heirs to Timberneck, so when he died, Timberneck reverted to Richard and Matthew.

In 1708 Matthew Beard sold his part of Timberneck.

Whereas Matthew Beard late of Ann arundell County in the province of Maryland Carpenter by his Deed of bargain & Sale bearing date the Twelfth day of November Anno Dom one thousand and seven hundred and eight [1708] for the Consideration of twenty five pounds Sterling granted and sold unto Stephen Wright of the same County and province Planter and to his heirs and Assignes forever the moyety or half parte of a Tract or parcell of land Called Timber neck Lying in Ann arundell County on the South Side of South River on the West side of a Creek Called Jaccobs Creek

In 1715 the General Assembly described the property.

  • Beginning at a marked red oake standing upon a point and running for breadth West South west up the Creek one hundred and Sixty perches
  • to a marked Oak by a Marish side being a bounded tree of Richard Beards on the west by Beards line drawn west and by north two hundred perches
  • to a marked pock hiccory and by a line drawn north and by East from the said Pock hiccory fifty perches to a marked red oake in the line of Richard Chenys land and by Chenys line East south East twenty five perches
  • to a marked white oake bounded on the North by a line drawn North north East from the said Oak one hundred perches to a marked Pock hiccory and from the said Pock hiccory north East and by North
  • to a marked Oake by a Branch in the line of the land laid out for Murreen Duvall and William Young on the East by the said Land on the south by Jacobs Creek



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Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2024
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