
An American Family History

Simon Sidney Morrison

“Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists."
― Franklin D. Roosevelt



Klodawa is just north of Lodz in the Posnan or Posen province. Before World War I, Poland was a province of the Russian empire. 


Chicago, Illinois saw a major expansion in industry in the 1920s and prohibition led to the Gangster Era from 1919 until 1933. It was the nation's railroad center.

Simon Sidney Morrison was born February 15, 1881 according to his Social Security application (or 1884 according to draft registration or 1889 according to the California death index) in Klodavor (Klodawa), Poznan, Poland. He was the son of Moishe Swentoslawski and Pearl Kolsky.

He was called SS. He immigrated to the United States about 1910 according to the 1930 census. The 1920 census says that he came in 1898. The 1910 census says 1905. In 1910 Simon was a jobber for "Gent's neckware" in Chicago. He was a roomer in the Cecil Wertheimer home on 50th Street.

He married Henrietta Yarmack in New York on February 21, 1911 when he was 30 years old. Their children and life together are described in detail in the section on the Simon and Yetta Morrison family.

New Neckwear Account for Chicago Agency

The Blackstone Knitting Mills, Chicago, manufacturers of men's neckwear, have placed their advertising account with The Irwin L. Rosenberg Company, Chicago advertising agency. The company is planning a campaign for grenadine and other knitted ties. from Printer's Ink April 13, 1922

In 1938 his employer was Blackstone Knitting Mills at 412 S. Wells Street, Chicago, Illinois

.Simon and Oliver
Simon and Oliver at Blackstone

In his later years he suffered from deafness. He died in Los Angeles, California on February 24, 1964. He was buried at Mt. Sinai Memorial Park with his wife and other family members.

Simon's grave
Children of Moishe Swietoslawska and Pearl Kolsky
  • Mandel Miriam Swientoslawski
  • Dora Swientoslawski (Dorothy Morrison) Zagel
  • Getzel Swientoslawski (Theodore S. Morrison)
  • Simon Swientoslawski (Simon Sidney Morrison)
  • Malcha Swientoslawski (Mollie Morrison) Winefield
  • Isidore Swientoslawski Morrison
  • Esther Swientoslawski Morrison Fisher
  • Jacob (Jack, Jake) Swientoslawski Morrison
  • Rose Swientoslawski Morrison Rose
  • Elias Swientoslawski Morrison
  • simon




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    Colonial New England
    Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
    Quakers & Mennonites
    New Jersey Baptists
    German Lutherans
    Watauga Settlement
    Pennsylvania Pioneers
    Midwest Pioneers
    Jewish Immigrants

    ©Roberta Tuller 2025
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