
An American Family History

The Graves Family of Lynn Massachusetts

King Philip’s War was a bloody and costly series of raids and skirmishes in 1675 and 1676 between the Native American people and the colonials. King Philip was the Native American leader Metacom.
meething house
Lynn Meeting House
English colonists from Salem were the first settlers in Lynn.

A yeoman was a man who owned and cultivated a small farm. He belonged to the class below the gentry or land owners. A husbandman was a free tenant farmer. The social status of a husbandman was below that of a yeoman.

from Genealogical and Personal Memoirs by William Richard Cutter

Samuel Graves [1594], a native of England, settled in Lynn, Massachusetts, soon after 1630. and previous to 1635, was a farmer living on the turnpike west of the "floating bridge," and the particular locality in which he lived was given the name of Gravesend, a name by which it has been known to the present day. That he was a man of considerable consequence in the town is not to be questioned, and an evidence that he was possessed of large means is shown in the fact that in 1635 he gave nearly three hundred pounds to the colony of Massachusetts Bay. The name of his wife does not appear; he was the father of at least two children, Thomas [1620] and Samuel.

Samuel Graves [1655], son of Samuel Graves (1)(sic. the Samuel Graves who married Sarah Brewer was the son of Thomas, the son of Samuel), was one of fifteen men drafted from Lynn for service in King Philip's war, receiving pay for his services. He married, March 12, 1677, Sarah Brewer...

General Samuel Graves, son of Samuel Graves (2), was born in Lynn, Massachusetts, August 2, 1684. He married, February 8, 1708, Elizabeth Lewis, born April 7, 1684, daughter of John Lewis Jr. and Elizabeth [Brewer] his wife. Among their children was a son Samuel.

from "Samuel Graves 1630 Settler of Lynn, Massachusetts and His Descendants" by the Graves Family Association, www.gravesfa.org

Thomas Graves was born about 1620 in England, and was brought to America by his father in 1630. He married Hannah, and they continued to live in Lynn, Mass. until his death 24 Jan. 1696/7. (There is some belief that her name was Hannah Simmons.)

His will dated 22 Jan. 1696/7, and probated 15 Feb. 1696/7, names all his children, and reminds them to "be tender and careful of their aged mother who hath been tender and industrious." He gave his lands to his three sons Samuel, Mark and Thomas, and small legacies in money to his daughters. He made his son Samuel his executor. Inventory of his estate: 125, 15, 00. Thomas gave his lands in Lynn, with houses, to his sons Samuel and Mark, except 3 acres (adjoining land purchased of Joseph Farr) to his son Thomas.

His occupation was that of mariner as well as farmer. He and Mark Graves testified at a session of the Court in 1653 to making several voyages in the boats of the Iron Works at Saugus to Boston, Weymouth, Braintree and Hingham, and in 1658 he testified that his boat carried seven tons of bar iron and delivered it to Mr. Hutchins. The iron works were in operation in 1643, the first in America.

Children - Graves
Amy Graves, b.c. 1643, m. Richard Richardson, 20 June 1665 (Lynn, Mass.). He died before 4 April 1681 when she made oath to the inventory of his estate.

Hannah Graves, b.c. 1645, m. William Smith, 28 Jan. 1666 (or 28 Nov. 1665) (Lynn, Mass.). On 1 March 1666, Thomas Graves and Hannah, his wife, in consideration of 20 pounds, conveyed to William Smith, yeoman, 4 acres of their house lot and 3/4 acre of orchard.

Mark Graves, b.c. 1650, m. Rebecca, d. 1730.

Ann Graves, b.c. 1651, m. Joshua Rhodes, 12 June 1678, d. 21 Feb. 1735/6.

Samuel Graves, b. 1 Oct. 1655, m. Sarah Brewer, 12 March 1678, d. Dec. 1723.

Thomas Graves, b.c. 1657, m. Goody.

Sarah Graves, b.c. 1658, m. Samuel Laughton (or Leighton), 14 Feb. 1680 (Lynn, Mass.), d. 24 March 1724.  He died 10 March 1729.

Elizabeth Graves, b.c. 1662, m. Thomas Brewer, 4 Dec. 1682.

Old Style Calendar
Before 1752 the year began on Lady Day, March 25th,. Dates between January 1st and March 24th were at the end of the year. Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) are used to indicate whether the year has been adjusted. Often both dates are used.

Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts was first settled by English Puritans in 1629 and was first incorporated in 1631 as Saugus.
Cutter's work is available on CD
Merchant sailors were vital to the economy of the American Colonies. They could become wealthy, but suffered very high mortality rates.

Boston, Massachusetts was founded in 1630 by Puritan settlers from England.



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©Roberta Tuller 2025
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